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Messages - enragedlobster

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 285
Not anytime soon.

I did change. I got older and more mature, but GameFAQs didn't mature with me. Looking back on it (I even went to GameFAQs to see if it was still as shit as I remembered - it was worse), it was always bad, but I was a 16-year-old who thought that memes were the pinnacle of humor. GameFAQs is a message board for kids, it always has been. Even the rules point to that, with the extreme moderation and the inability to even say "bitch."

Maybe you're right about people constantly moving on, but if they don't come back, maybe their new place is better and you're just too stubborn to burritos.

wrt the poll: If those stats are accurate (and I have my doubts), they sure as hell don't act their age.

edit: wow, leave is still filtered? glad to see my legacy lives on

RL hookups on any board equals a disaster. Ever seen Gaia Online? Count your blessings w/ LUE.
From what I hear, most CN meetups work pretty well, actually.
From my experience, CN meetups tend to be pretty boring.

GameFAQs has been shit for years. The community (at least as I last recall it) is primarily composed of kids 15 and under and it really shows. I'll admit that LUE was better than most of the other boards, but it was still pretty awful in that regard. Honestly, my (albeit limited) experience with LL hasn't really been much more positive, but maybe I'm just getting too old for message boards in general.

Random lnsanity / Re: 396238 Posts in 35800 Topics by 2795 Members
« on: October 06, 2010, 07:29:31 am »
So that means I have 12.63% of the posts on this board. I'm okay with that.

Random lnsanity / Re: EnragedLobster
« on: September 12, 2010, 04:13:48 pm »
oh okay

Random lnsanity / Re: EnragedLobster
« on: September 12, 2010, 12:49:46 am »
what do you want

Random lnsanity / Re: What the hell, I'll bite, rating topic time.
« on: September 06, 2010, 10:59:10 pm »
rate me motherfucker

A while ago when we used to talk semi-frequently it was pretty cool. We always had a lot to talk about with music/movies/etc, be it on irc or on a forum. We seemed to have gotten along nicely enough and without any frictionor feuding which is an accomplishment for me, since I usually piss everyone off after a five minute period. However that was like a year ago, and I've probably talked to you a collective total of five times since then. While you're still cool in my books (my opinion on people doesn't degrade over time) it's hard for me to accurately rate you since it's been so long. But your taste in music was always varied and great and at least when it came to metal, we had similarities and if we didn't, we could always talk about the bands anyway.

I attributute the communications blackout to real life issues probably for both of us, I know I wasn't on IRC for the longest fucking time in 2009. But, despite all that, I can't think of anything negative to say. You were always pretty cool, level, and one of the better RIAers-to-MKers that never gave a fuck about the little grudges and incidents.

Final rating: 4/5

I've had tons of internet and computer issues over the past year, which coupled with working full-time make me rather incapable of being on IRC as much as I used to. Regardless, it's good to know that you still have such a high opinion of me. Although, the very last bit is a touch erroneous, as I was involved in a lot of the big RIA/MK incidents about two and a half years ago. (I've obviously since revised my stance on the RIA, as has [afaik] all of MK)

Random lnsanity / Re: What the hell, I'll bite, rating topic time.
« on: September 06, 2010, 08:20:13 pm »
rate me motherfucker

Random lnsanity / happy birthday
« on: July 23, 2010, 09:28:24 am »

congrats on lasting four years, ria

Random lnsanity / Re: Review: Avatar: The Last Airbender
« on: July 05, 2010, 08:02:08 am »
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. The TV show was amazing and I'd like to see someone else's take on it.

Either I'm hallucinating, or this is an enragedlobster post.

You're hallucinating.

Random lnsanity / Re: Review: Avatar: The Last Airbender
« on: July 04, 2010, 07:22:08 am »
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. The TV show was amazing and I'd like to see someone else's take on it.

Philadelphia, PA:
Good: A wide variety of colleges, bringing with it a wide variety of parties, girls, and hipsters.
Bad: Very high likelihood of getting shot, raped, robbed, or otherwise assaulted.

I was in my last month of 16.

I read the old boards now and then. Every time I go there, I realize how fucking retarded I was back then. It's still kind of funny to see how different CN was, though.

Also, I remember when you were active, Shadow. You dropped off pretty quickly, though, and came back sporadically.

As a final note, you all are young fucks. You were goddamn 11 when you started, Shadow? Fucking Christ, you're still younger now than I was when I joined four goddamn years ago. Way to make me feel old.

Random lnsanity / Re: i see you aqua diplomats
« on: April 21, 2010, 08:08:20 pm »

« on: April 15, 2010, 09:54:26 pm »
well yeah

« on: April 15, 2010, 09:53:07 pm »
note to zblewski: you're still a newfag

Quote from: EnragedLobster
I like going to the old boards and reading the very first few threads. It's hilarious nowadays.

Also, fuck off with your three years, I'm coming up on four.

I meant on these forums assface. I've been in this alliance for four years too. Go to hell with your falsehoods.

My four years are longer, though.

MY four year are longer :p shall I remind everyone I was the second member of the alliance >____>

Enough seniority BS...I still can't believe I've been here for this long, though not as active as you C-zom

Second member of the forums, yes. Of the alliance, certainly not, considering the whole thing was started by Napoleon Too and Shadow Legolas (I may be wrong on names), with Shyox being the third member (iirc).

Random lnsanity / Re: for the love of God
« on: March 11, 2010, 01:57:36 am »
For the love of god is right.
How many people do you think we'll lose over this?
And I have to change a dozen passwords now.
goddamn you are right
c-zom and kenny are such fucks for hacking the forums and letting one dude know your password for everything
man i doubt ria will ever be able to recover from this crippling blow
everyone is fucked

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