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Messages - cctmsp13

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Random lnsanity / Re: No, fuck you.
« on: June 10, 2016, 12:34:08 pm »
I'm just here so I can win CN how I won NationStates.
By everyone else dying.

Random lnsanity / Re: Thinking of buying a gun :bond:
« on: December 13, 2015, 11:15:19 pm »
If you're willing to chamber rounds yourself new 30-06's can be had for about $400, and since the ammo is currently in manufacture, it should be newer less corrosive stuff.

One thought comes to mind, do you have a place to fire such a weapon (my back yard is probably not the right answer, under the right conditions Mosin's and 30-06's can fling lead 5 miles down range.)

It might be worthwhile to join a local sportsman's club and talk to them.  They may have people willing to show you different firearms and make better suggestions than some random guys on the internet, and should also give you access to a proper safe range.

Random lnsanity / Re: Thinking of buying a gun :bond:
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:40:03 pm »
posted before I realized we had a page 2 to read.

The Mosin round (7.62x54) is up with the .30-06 power wise, so they're also a top gun in the "biggest legal civilian bang" department. 

Personally, I'd still look at the .30-06 cause 'MERICA', but I can't argue with the price or power of those Russian guns.

Edit: had a thought after I wrote this, the Mosin and the .30-06 (as the M1 Garand) were the rounds that won WWII.  You can't really get a better endorsement than that.

Random lnsanity / Re: Thinking of buying a gun :bond:
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:32:08 pm »
looked at local places (ok, I lied, I went to Cabellas.com), and you can get a Ruger AR-15 lookalike for under $700, and a Ruger "doesn't really look like a AK-47, but it spits the same ammo" for under $900, so you're right there's no reason to go to "some random guy on the internets" for a $700 rifle.

AR-15 ammo (5.56x45/.223) and AK-47 ammo (7.62x39) are very close power wise.  The AK has a much heavier, but also much slower bullet.

If you're going for big bangs, may I suggest looking at something in a .30-06.  They're twice as powerful as the AK or AR.  They're near the top end power-wise of what's legal to own without needing extra paperwork.

The only 'downside' (if you can consider it that) is aesthetics.  .30-06 rifles will tend to look like 'hunty' rifles, not like 'army' rifles.  Also, your shoulder may regret purchasing the .30-06.

Random lnsanity / Re: Thinking of buying a gun :bond:
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:32:22 am »
.223 stuff like AR-15s is pretty common, so you aren't really going to get much cheaper then that.  AK also very common, so it's in that same price range.

If you just want to shoot stuff at a range, and have a tight budget, you can always go for .22 LR.  Ruger makes some very nice ones that you can get for under $300.  And the ammo is cheap enough you can get the gun and your first 1000 rounds for the same cost as the AK or AR.

Of course the con is it's just a 22LR.

Also, do this more, this was a masterpiece of prose.


Two years later, this TV crap starts for them and eventually Oprah invites them to the show. This part of the story is interesting because not many people really know what exactly happened here. But, somehow, Oprah found out about the molestations and contacted the authorities resulting in the creation of the police report that was discovered that sparked this story.

So, yeah, Oprah was the only person these girls encountered who found out about the molestations to actually have the decency to actually contact the authorities.

But, then, it gets even stranger. People noticed that these Duggars visited Oprah and no show actually aired with them on there. And through that, someone actually posts online that the reason for this was because of a molestation scandal.

I don't mean a good guess, I mean someone actually leaked this information.

The police question the Duggars, Josh, and the potential victims. But, nothing else happens after this. Until someone finally decides to report on this police report.

OK, I've criticized Oprah before for some of guests - Jenny McCarthy, The anti-vaccine playboy bunny, Dr. Oz, the questionable medical advice doctor, those "the secret" people.

Let's just say this balances things out.

Random lnsanity / Re: Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope comes out today
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:02:05 am »
Basically it's just impressive that it matches or exceeds the quality of the movie from a REAL movie studio

Random lnsanity / Re: RIA Cancelled
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:42:37 am »
Like Star Trek, Firefly, and The Big Lebowski before it, RIA became a cult classic after it ended. For many years after its cancellation, the 7 year series spawned regular conventions and cast reunions on every continent. Rumours that the original cast did not get along with each other were rampant, but suppressed by the commercial interests of the producer, Ogaden, and his fanatically aggressive and gay merchandizer, Hyperonic. Cartoon spinoffs were inevitable, but fortunately short-lived.

In the years that followed the disappearance of one of the most beloved characters, Arsenal, the tonicularity of the series swelled. The RIA found resonance with a new generation of fans, who found the series' major themes, such as spam, sexy dinosaurs, and robot overlords comforting in troubling times. The true and patient business mastermind behind the RIA, cctmsp13 successfully approached JJ Abrams to produce a high quality re-imagined trilogy, which was confusingly named 'Star Wars'. Many fans decried this move as a sell-out of the original spirit of the RIA, and established the RIA to preserve and honour the original intent. These RIAers sometimes referred to themselves as 'orthodox', but cctmsp13 just called them 'poor'.

Jake from State Farm has tried to bring the two RIAs together, and is always eager to help.

Yes it's true, RIA, has been renamed Star Wars episode 7.

Crossguard light sabers?, I assure you, that's just the start of the random insanity.

Random lnsanity / Re: Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope comes out today
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:31:31 am »
is.. is it bad if i kinda want to watch that?

Random lnsanity / Re: RIA Cancelled
« on: February 22, 2015, 03:08:13 am »
Watch all your favorite RIA on the 10-DVD box set, available soon from fine retailers near you.

Random lnsanity / Moth, you monster!
« on: December 27, 2014, 03:27:30 pm »

Random lnsanity / Re: Making an alliance in Politics and War
« on: December 19, 2014, 03:29:54 am »
made a little edit for tie-breaking. 

Also support for Arrgh, with or without a !

Random lnsanity / Re: Making an alliance in Politics and War
« on: December 18, 2014, 03:47:14 am »
inital draft charter proposal:

(Feel free to shred to pieces)
(Also, apparently we're an elected dictatorship)

The Charter of Arrgh!

For a long time, it has been known that he who controls the seas, controls the world.  With this, in mind, we pirates of the seas unite under the banner of the Jolly Cactaur.

This charter shall be the agreement among all who sail under the Jolly Cactaur as the alliance Arrgh!

Section 1:
The name of our alliance shall be Arrgh!  If that be to long, it may be shorted to Arr.  If that shall still be to long, it may be shorted to R. 

If ye be illiterate, then learn our sign, the Jolly Cactaur

http://janidsinga.deviantart.com/art/Cactuar-Pirate-Concept-167237397 (temp image found in google image search until new one is created)

The preferred color of our alliance shall be the blue of the seas we sail.

Section 2:


Like every ship that sails the seas, Arrgh! shall be lead by it's Captain.

The Captain's word shall be law on the ship, unless his word goes against this charter, in which case the crew shall be required to mutiny.

The Captain shall have the sole power to declare attacks on other vessels

1st mate:

The Captain shall be required to appoint a 1st mate.  If the captain shall be unavailable to fill his duties, the 1st mate shall act on his behalf.

Additional mates:

The captain shall be able to appoint addition mates with what powers and duties are required for proper running of the vessel.

Swabbies (land, ordinary, able) :

All other crew shall be swabbies.  They shall start as land swabbies.  Land swabbies shall be promoted to Ordinary Swabbies after 4 weeks, though the Captain may promote them earlier if he determines they have acquired their sea legs.  The Captain may promote swabbies to able swabbies as he sees fit, based on time of service or acts of superior seamanship.


Swabbies and Mates together shall be referred to as the ship's crew

Section 3:

If any swabbie or mate be dissatisifed with the Captain's running of the ship, he may call for a mutiny.  When a mutiny is called, there shall be a 48 hour nomination period where any of the crew may step forward to attempt to claim the title of Captain, and become challengers.

At the end of the 48 hours, there shall be an election between the current Captain, and the challengers.  Each of the crew (except land swabbies) shall vote for who he believes is most piritanical.  This election shall last 24 hours.

If neither the captain nor any challengers receive over 50% of the vote, there shall be a second 24 hour election between the top two receivers of votes.

Any ties shall be decided in favor of the one who has been on board longest.

Section 4:

The crew is free to depart the vessel except in time of combat.

In time of attack, all crew shall be expected to report and defend their vessel

Any crewman who goes ashore and creates trouble shall be expected to deal with the consequences of such trouble on their own.

Random lnsanity / Re: Shadow's Winter Steam Game Giveaway 2.0
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:15:06 am »
Added some of my own games to the list to be given away. 

RIA Gaming / Re: TERA
« on: December 09, 2014, 09:33:56 pm »
so you've filled up 90% of a 1TB drive.
Sorry, it's time to delete some porn

RIA Gaming / Re: TERA
« on: December 09, 2014, 05:39:46 am »
I kinda want to play but that is a lot of space that could be used for other stuff... I have less than 100 gigs left I think... can I just pause the downloader or something

you can wait a week or so and it will appear on steam, that should ease some of the download woes.

Also, how big it your HD, surely you can get a bigger, or move something to an external....

Random lnsanity / Re: Shadow's Winter Steam Game Giveaway 2.0
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:49:39 am »
what's that terraria game like, has anyone ever played that

2d minecraft with more monsters

RIA Gaming / Re: TERA
« on: December 06, 2014, 02:11:30 am »
Also, Ogaden needs to join
Remember Elin is the only race

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