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Topics - Shadow

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Random lnsanity / Marvel Movie Madness - MCU Phase 3 revealed
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:12:01 pm »
So today marvel laid out their roadmap for phase 3 of the marvel cinematic universe.  :awesome:









I'll totally be seeing every one. <_<

Pact Hall / A Wound in the Force (MDoAP with NSO)
« on: October 25, 2014, 05:48:46 pm »
Announcement: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/124672-in-order-there-is-chaos-and-in-chaos-there-is-order/


A Wound in the Force

How could you ever hope to know the threat you faced when you have never walked in the dark places of the galaxy? Faced war and death on such a scale? If you had traveled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was. There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the power of the dark side— -- it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death.
Episode VII:  This Echo Travels in the Places Where Death Has Walked, Where Planets Have Died. Massacres Fuel Its Power, the Death of Life Fuels It.

The undersigned alliances, in recognition of our friendship, common values and interests and in pursuit of our collective security, strength, and prosperity, enter into this agreement in furtherance of those goals. Furthermore, the signatories commit themselves to upholding the obligations they freely undertake by signing this treaty.
Episode VIII: It Is Our Goal To Be Stronger, To Achieve Our Potential and Not Rest Upon Our Laurels. We Are The Seekers, Not The Shepherds.

Both parties agree to enter into a state of non aggression with one another for the entire duration of these accords and agree to never conspire or commit acts of espionage against one another. Both parties agree to never give any form of aid or assistance to an alliance or individual that a signatory of this treaty is militarily engaged with.
Episode IX: To Say That The Force Works In Mysterious Ways Is To Admit One's Ignorance, For Any Mystery Can Be Solved Through The Application of Knowledge and Unrelenting Effort.

Darkness is a Friend, an Ally. Darkness Allows Us To Understand Others, To See What They Value When They Believe No One Else Is Looking. It Allows Us To Be Honest With Ourselves, To Express Those Values That We Would Disavow in the Light. The Light Blinds Us. It Is Only In The Dark That We See Clearly, and There Is a Great Dark Hidden Among These Worlds.

In the interests of proactive defense, both parties agree that all information critical to the defensive and strategic interests of the other will be forwarded.
Episode X: Conflict Forces One To Better Oneself. It Forces Change, Growth, Adaption, Evolution… or Death.

In the interests of common development and growth, both parties agree that the development and security of the other has a direct impact on the others strategic interests, and as such a direct attack on one signatory shall be considered a direct attack upon the other and will warrant a proper response as agreed upon by the signatories, be it diplomatic assistance, foreign aid, or a defensive war.

In the event that one signatory comes under attack through providing military support to another ally engaged, said signatory is not considered to be in a defensive war, and the response of the other signatory is highly encouraged but not required.

The signatories shall each endeavor to avoid placing the other in a situation in which this treaty shall come into conflict with any other current or future treaty signed by that signatory. In the unfortunate event that this is not possible and outside treaty obligations force the signatories into a situation in which they would occupy opposing positions in a larger conflict, the signatories shall work hard to respect the others position and neither signatory will take up arms against the other.
Episode XI: Without Strife, the Victory Has No Meaning. Without Strife, One Does Not Advance. Without Strife, There is Only Stagnation.

In the event that a signatory declares an offensive war, they may request assistance from the other provided they give notice at least 24 hours in advance. Assistance is not required from the other signatory in this situation, but is highly encouraged.
Episode XII: The Dark Side Clouds Everything. Impossible To See, The Future Is.

Recognizing that our interests may not always converge, the parties agree to being able to cancel this pact in its entirety with 72 hours notice. During these 72 hours, it is still considered active.
Episode XIII: A Wound in the Force

For the New Sith Order,

~ Sith Empress:  KirstenMichelle
~ Dark Lord of the Sith: Joe Stupid
~ Sith Lord: Hereno
~ Sith Lord: Adolph Mussolini

For the Random Insanity Alliance,

~ Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Eternal Triumvir of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc.
~ Ogaden, Spammer of Mind illusions, Droid Coder, Buzzkill Extraordinaire, Protector of Ewoks
~ im317, Triumvir, Former Elder of PotD, Enemy of Spelling, Secretly a Dog
~ Croix, Head of People
~ dester55, a HoR
~ biofantic, Head of Military Operations, Master of the Galaxy, the 5th ghostbuster, Singer of great epics, Divider of Canyons, Emperor of Emperors, Leader of the New Generation, Squire to Shadow's Shadow's Shadow's Shadow, Lighter of lights, Secret Fascist Leader of the People
~ brian, best HoFA nobody ever talked about.
~ cctmsp13, viceroy

Order Amidst Chaos
Chaos Amidst Order

Random lnsanity / John Wick
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:56:43 pm »
Saw it a bit ago. Very great action revenge movie. I enjoyed it immensely.

Random lnsanity / Avengers: Age of Ultron official teaser trailer
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:12:01 pm »
Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron" - Teaser Trailer (OFFICIAL)


Random lnsanity / How not to exit a parking garage
« on: October 22, 2014, 06:33:04 pm »


Random lnsanity / Chillaxin Turtles
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:53:48 pm »

Random lnsanity / post here anytime you read this topic title
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:08:05 am »
for science

feel free to discuss trains and/or cake in this topic.

Random lnsanity / The Flash
« on: October 07, 2014, 08:03:44 pm »
New tv series premiered on the CW tonight. It was pretty awesome. Seems like it'll be pretty good like Arrow is (which a new season premieres tomorrow).


Current Signatories
  • Coalition of Royal Allied Powers
  • Global Order of Darkness
  • Non Grata
  • Nordreich
  • Reavers
  • Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes
  • The Congolese Soukous Society
  • The Last Remnants
  • The Templar Knights
  • United Sovereign Nations


One Big Happy Family Accords


It is recognized that Maroon alliances are a markedly diverse amalgamation of alliances with a wide ranging set of ideals and beliefs. Because of this, it must be reinforced that all signatory alliances retain sovereignty and are distinct from the collective as represented by this treaty.

One Big Happy Family

The free trade of resources, money, & technology between members of the family are encouraged to the benefit the sphere as well as each other.  Family members and their respective members agree to remain civil to each other at all times, especially in public forums. Furthermore, they agree to resolve all conflicts with other family members through the use of diplomacy and affirm their dedication to avoiding conflict within Maroon. No signatory alliance shall raise arms against a fellow signatory. This agreement does not, however, supersede the activation of any mutual defense clauses within any other agreements that a signatory may hold.

Maroon Senate

Signatories who retain senate seats, referred to hereafter as Senatorial Alliances, agree to abide by the following guidelines for senate usage. No Senatorial Alliance shall place sanctions, either trade or aid, upon the nations of another signatory alliance. Senatorial Alliances are encouraged to provide fair use of their senate powers to those signatory alliances which do not have senators of their own, where fair use is defined as any request which the Senatorial Alliance determines does not in some way conflict with any other official agreements. Senatorial Alliances also agree to work with other signatories towards a consensus on all team wide events prior to voting. Should a Senatorial Alliance choose to leave the family, they pledge to continue to honor the contents of this section until the end of their current senate term.


The family members may amend these accords with the agreement of every other member of the family.

Joining the Family

Alliances with over 50% of their membership on maroon may announce their intention to join to a family member at any time. That family member shall bring up a discussion to the others regarding the potential entry. A vote shall be held and at least 75% of the signatories must vote in favor for their entry to be approved.

Leaving the Family

Alliances wishing to leave the family should give 48 hours notice privately to each other family member before leaving. In addition, if the percentage of maroon nations in a family member drops below 50% then they are automatically considered withdrawn after 48 hours.


For the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers (CRAP),

For the Global Order of Darkness (GOD),

~ Xiphosis, Dark Lord
~ Mishie, Lord of the Exterior

For Non Grata (NG),

The Party Guys (Triumvirs)
~ Erwin Schrodinger, The Master of the Universe
~ Stewie, The Dirty Hippy
~ Lord Nettles, The Lord of the Dance

Old Man's Club (Advisors)
~ Caustic, The Bald
~ Derwood, The Old
~ Steve Buscemi, The Sexy Latte
~ MiketheFirst, The Secret Leader
~ dane0, The Blood God
~ King Xander, The Hidden One

The Part Timers (Deputies)
~ Duderonomy, The Slow
~ Unkajo (Krihelion), The Poor
~ Abshire, The n00b
~ Banslam, The Experienced

The Even More Part Timers (Conclave)
~ Prefontaine, The Lazy
~ Blackclown, The Gunslinger
~ Sunny Side King, The Bear
~ Trigger, The Resident Seer
~ KameraadLenin, The Communist
~ naabgamer, The Dutch
~ King Solomon, The Trader
~ Ying Yang Mafia, The Fluffer

The Honoured Ones
~ Titodafarmer

For Nordreich (NoR),

Albeit with some distaste of the word happy

~ Oro Ibah Aozpi, Kaiser von Nordreich
~ Redneck, Kronprinz
~ TurnipCruncher, Reichskanzler
~ Latexi, Reichsminister of the Interior
~ King Nupe, Reichsminister of Education

For the Random Insanity Alliance (RIA),

~ Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Eternal Triumvir of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc.
~ im317, Triumvir, Former Elder of PotD, Enemy of Spelling, Secretly a Dog
~ Ogaden, Spammer of Inboxes, Head of Economics, Buzzkill Extraordinaire
~ biofantic, Head of Military Operations, Master of the Galaxy, the 5th ghostbuster, Singer of great epics, Divider of Canyons, Emperor of Emperors, Leader of the New Generation, Squire to Shadow's Shadow's Shadow's Shadow, Lighter of lights, Secret Fascist Leader of the People
~ dester55, *sig goes here*
~ Croix, Assistant to Shadow
~ Jenne, Master of Puppets, Slave to the Man, Former Minister of Every'f'ing'thing, doombird mercenary extraordinaire
~ Moth, signs teamwide treaties while declaring war on DBDC nations :D :D :D
~ cctmsp13, viceroy

For Reavers,

For Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes (SLCB),

~ porksaber, blood god of the seaworthy liberian boxes.

For The Congolese Soukous Society (TCSS),

~ Landru the Falcon, Mobutu of Kinshasa and Keeper of the Mobutuist Pantheon
~ Jacob Hanson, Mobutu of Lubumbashi and Most Authentic Jacobin
~ Cshoes, Mobutu of Gbadolite and Most Authentic Shoe Man

For The Last Remnants (TLR),

~ Kestral
~ Hombre de Murcielago
~ Elorian

For The Templar Knights (TTK),

Grand master
~ Merick

~ Mandystalin
~ Sojourner
~ Lolatyou
~ rustikus

Elder council
~ Mother empire
~ Konatantine
~ Bratsalvia
~ Nuclearglow

For the United Sovereign Nations (USN),

~ FluffyEwunga AKA Cora Mcstrap, Queen
~ Rylejed, Prime Minister & Minister of Finance

~ Buckner, Minister of Foreign Affairs
~ Rick, Minister of Internal Affairs
~ Plato33, Minister of Trade
~ Noreen, Minister of Recruitment

Random lnsanity / Russian road rage - unexpected response
« on: September 03, 2014, 10:51:24 am »

Always be careful who you try to attack. >_>

Random lnsanity / Meunahlux wrote a story about us and IAA in #RIA
« on: September 02, 2014, 09:38:55 pm »
twas quite random

[21:28:58] <Meunahlux> One day while RIA was masturbating, IAA got wood. He could no longer help himself! He watched as RIA stroked his juicy kawaii cock. He approached RIA which startled him and make him pee everywhere on the floor and on IAA too. Being drenched in his urine made him harder than ever! IAA: "RIA Senpai! I'm alive and I want to be INSIDE OF YOU." RIA: "Oh IAA Chan! I always knew you were alive! I want to stuff you up my kawaii ass!" IAA grabbed a
[21:28:58] <Meunahlux>  bunch of flavored lube and rubbed it all over his head IAA: "Oh my! It's cherry flavored lube! Cherry is my favorite! IAA then stuffed his head up into RIA's tight ass! The other Alliances around the room watched intently as IAA shoved his head back and forth into RIA's nice ass, continuously making a squishy wet noise. The other Alliances also became aroused and they all gathered around IAA and RIA and started to urinate all over them, a
[21:29:01] <Meunahlux> nd then they started to masturbate. RIA: "Oh my goodness, IAA Chan! You are churning my insides up so well! Your nose is stimulating my prostate! OH YES! All the other Alliances became so aroused by this, that they could not help themselves anymore! They pushed IAA completely inside, and they all went inside. All of them wanted to be inside RIA's nice round ass. RIA: "No wait guys! My ass cannot hold this much! I'm getting so full! All the
[21:29:07] <Meunahlux>  Alliances went inside of poor squirming RIA and pretty much, he was beyond full, and died from having his insides completely damaged. Shadow came inside and found RIA, dead with a huge ass hemorrhage on his anus, with a HUGE belly full of Alliances.
[21:29:19] * OanMkoll (AndChat330@coldfront-B187E93C.pools.spcsdns.net) Quit (Quit: Bye)
[21:29:29] <Meunahlux> ;^)
[21:29:45] <+Kill[MI6]> *Mi6
[21:29:55] <+Chimaera> The sentence 'your nose is stimulating my prostate' will be stuck with me until the ending of the world
[21:30:01] <+Voodoo> hahahaha
[21:30:02] * Anderan (Anderan@coldfront-37CB17F3.swo.res.rr.com) has joined #ria
[21:30:26] <Meunahlux> making the MI6 edition
[21:34:20] <+Chimaera> I'm really annoyed that nobody seems to have seen that
[21:34:25] <+Chimaera> Meun you need to post the next one in #mi6
[21:34:31] <+Chimaera> That'll rile the native jacktards up
[21:34:37] <~Shadow[RIA|Away]> xd
[21:34:37] <RIA_FA_BOT> burritos the irc xd


Random lnsanity / Deadpool test footage
« on: August 08, 2014, 11:15:12 pm »
Deadpool Test Footage (HD) - Deadpool Test Footage - Deadpool Movie

Would be an epic movie if they end up making it. >_>

Random lnsanity / Guardians of the Galaxy
« on: July 31, 2014, 09:55:16 pm »
Amazing movie. Saw it tonight at its 7pm opening. The characters and humor were great. The pacing was good and not a single part was lackluster. It also made me care about each of the Guardians. Can't wait to see more of them in the future.

Lets hope Marvel continues with their awesome streak of putting out hits and printing money for themselves. >_>

Random lnsanity / I made a RIA steam group
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:35:46 pm »

If you have steam, you should totally become a member.


I've invited everyone I had on my friends list which was a decent amount of people. If you want an invite let me know. :)

We also still have the old SuperFriends group which has some of our old super friend buddies in it too that you can join: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Cyber_Friends

Both are invite only so just let one of us in the group know and we can invite you. :)

Random lnsanity / o_o
« on: July 23, 2014, 08:16:40 pm »

Random lnsanity / Webcomics
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:29:13 pm »
http://m.webtoons.com/ (mobile site)
http://thcmpny.com/naver.html (better version for PC reading)

Thats the new official english webcomic website of Naver, a South Korean internet company which has started to translate some of their contributor's webcomics to English. In recent years, webcomics have blown up in South Korea and a lot of great ones have been produced, with authors even making money by being paid by the number of views they get. They are read starting at the top & by scrolling down rather then by pages.

I've been reading some of the fan translations of some of them for the past couple years.  Personally on the above site, I recommend Tower of God (its a really great fantasy action comic), Noblesse (Supernatural), and The God of High School (Action/Fantasy/Martial Arts). They have those three completely caught up to the original Korean ones.

Others not wholly on that site that I would recommend are:
The Dragon Next Door (Comedy): http://www.batoto.net/read/_/186300/the-dragon-next-door_ch1_by_odd-squad-scanlations
Magician (Fantasy):  http://www.batoto.net/read/_/3127/magician_v1.01_ch1_by_easy-going-scans
Orange Marmalade (Supernatural/CockPony/Romance): http://www.batoto.net/read/_/12775/orange-marmalade_v1_by_webtoon-live
DICE (Supernatural):  http://www.batoto.net/read/_/190343/dice-the-cube-that-changes-everything_by_soul-scans
The Gamer (Fantasy):  http://www.batoto.net/read/_/191673/the-gamer_v1_ch1_by_bap-scans
American Ghost Jack (Horror): http://tapastic.com/episode/40099
City of the Dead Socerer (Sci-Fi/Supernatural): http://www.batoto.net/read/_/67071/city-of-the-dead-sorcerer_v1_by_death-toll-scanlations
Lessa (Sci-Fi/Supernatural): http://www.batoto.net/read/_/118467/lessa_v1_ch1_by_vendetta-scans
Knight Run (Sci-Fi): http://www.batoto.net/read/_/3993/knight-run_ch1_by_jaso
Kubera (Fantasy): http://www.batoto.net/read/_/76887/kubera_v1_by_the-company

Thats just a small selection of some of the ones I've enjoyed. You can find a whole bunch of fan translations of ones at: http://www.batoto.net/search?genres=;i36&genre_cond=or also alongside the above official site.

Random lnsanity / BioShock Infinite raffle giveaway
« on: July 22, 2014, 07:52:28 pm »
To anyone interested, pick a number between 1 & 1000. The closest person to my randomly generated number will get BioShock Infinite on steam (+ BioShock & BioShock 2 as a bonus if they want, if they don't then they can go to the second closest person).

I'll do the random number pick this saturday.

Bioshock Infinite Picks:

361 - Croix
500 - GrilledSlug
555 - Ogaden
861 - Gangs
872 - dester55

Winning Number: 488
Winner: Grilled Slug

BioShock 1 and 2 giveaway:

350 - Croix
499 - Leo
500 - GrilledSlug
872 - dester55
919 - llamavore

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Head of Foreign Affairs:

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Head of Military Operations: