Random Insanity Alliance Forum, Mark V

Cactuar Zone => Random lnsanity => Topic started by: Shyox on June 14, 2008, 12:41:14 am

Title: Please Listen
Post by: Shyox on June 14, 2008, 12:41:14 am
A while back there was a girl. She was about to leave when her mother stopped her. Her mother had tears in her eyes. She begged her not to go.

The girl said, "Mom, I'm just going out with some friends." She walked out and shut the door. Her mom watched out the window, as the girl walked down the dark street. Her mom grabbed both sides of her head, and broke her neck.

The girl didn't know this as she walked to the park to meet her friends. She found them and they talked for awhile.

There were 9 of them there. 9 "friends." 5 guys. 4 girls. Her "friends." One of the girls pushed her down. She was confused as 4 of the guys raped her at the same time. Then the girls raped her too. Then the other guy raped her. Then all of them raped her together. Then a walrus walked up and raped her. Her little brother came and raped her.

There was more, but really, the point is just that she got the shit raped out of her. She limped back home crying. But once she got to the gate two ninjas grabbed her and raped her 5 times. At an 8.4 on the Tyson's Rape Scale. Then an old kung-fu master laughed at the sky yelling, "THISH ISH IT! AFTER ARR THE YEARSH OF PRANNING! MY VISHION HASH COME TRUE!" Then he raped her.

The girl was found an hour later and was rushed to the rape doctor. She was in critical rape condition. This was some Lifetime shit. The doctors had to operate quickly. They realized she was pregnant and was about to go into labor.

This usually takes 9 months. But she was raped REALLY BAD. She was in critical rape condition. So she died, but the baby............................................................................
.............. lived.

The baby grew up, and raped all of his relatives. He then raped EVERY SINGLE PERSON on the WHOLE PLANET! He then raped himself until he cried. He cried..... Then he killed himself. Because of how badly he raped himself.

Please, if you have any heart at all, then listen: This story is real. It happened to a close friend of mine. And they weren't the only one. It happens every day. If you don't post this story exactly 1 kajillion times, then you'll be raped to death by the rape monster. Please... Believe.
Title: Please Listen
Post by: WestWind on June 14, 2008, 01:04:56 am
Please post this on MySpace and notify us of any response.
Title: Please Listen
Post by: Electric Mango on June 14, 2008, 10:58:37 am
I believe everything I read.  I will now forward this to everyone in my inbox <-sorry grandma

Title: Please Listen
Post by: Fake from State Jarm on June 14, 2008, 11:52:53 am
rape is nothing to laugh about, lol
Title: Please Listen
Post by: Shyox on June 14, 2008, 05:14:45 pm
I think Vintus wrote it at one point, I didn't write it.

I posted it on myspace, the two responses thought it was funny.
Title: Please Listen
Post by: MotherAfrica on June 14, 2008, 06:22:46 pm
Wow umm, Very perverted like.