Random Insanity Alliance Forum, Mark V

Cactuar Zone => Random lnsanity => Topic started by: SirCain on April 20, 2007, 04:04:23 am

Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 20, 2007, 04:04:23 am
Any RIA members that have served and been in a battle/war please contact me:

Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Damen on April 20, 2007, 05:30:08 am
>_> Just so ya know, all attacks have to go through the War Advisor.

...Just so ya know...
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Azural on April 20, 2007, 09:26:42 am
You do realize that almost all of us have already been in wars?
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Caesar101 on April 20, 2007, 09:28:35 am
yehhh i agree with azural
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 20, 2007, 03:17:04 pm
I meant in real life nerds...
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: wethepeople on April 20, 2007, 03:21:31 pm
This is the RIA.. average member age is 14.. @_@
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Esteban on April 20, 2007, 03:38:51 pm
We're all nerdz!this iz the ria'z buddy
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: enragedlobster on April 20, 2007, 03:40:43 pm
I'm pretty sure no one here's ever been in the military.

I, for one, would simply flee the country if a draft was ever enstated, let alone join of my own choice.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Flask on April 20, 2007, 04:50:50 pm
I know a guy from the GTAIII board on GF who trained for the swedish army or something.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: smeeth on April 20, 2007, 10:10:29 pm
I'd be willing to fight for my country if it was a worthwhile cause. Such as stopping genocide or something. Not to go try and get oil though.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Kaiser on April 20, 2007, 10:24:30 pm
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 21, 2007, 01:33:31 am
I am joining either American Army, or the French Foreign Legion. or maybe the Irish. I hope to be after 4-6 years of training in the military, a merc. Maybe then I can make the big bucks. + I hope to make Top#5 Top Army Killers List.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Divineslasher on April 21, 2007, 10:46:38 am
A soldier of fortune eh...

You're a ****ing idiot. ¬_¬
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Flask on April 21, 2007, 10:52:43 am
Quote from: Divineslasher
A soldier of fortune eh...

You're a ****ing idiot. ¬_¬

Well, yes, but he is defending people.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Divineslasher on April 21, 2007, 10:54:33 am
Ummm no...he's gonna throw his life away to fight for money. Mercenaries dont fight for people, they fight for money.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 21, 2007, 11:08:03 am
Divine kiss my ass. besides, not all mercs are cold-blooded killers. A lot of mercs are hired to protect goverment families.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Divineslasher on April 21, 2007, 11:10:39 am
My size 9 boot would like to kiss your ass and some more.

It doesn't matter, you're just doing it for the money. You're an idiot to throw your life away for money, risking it and killing others. Join the ****ing army if you wanna kill people for money. Why do you think there's a marines and army.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: ZPO4O on April 21, 2007, 11:30:29 am
The army changes people...just keep that in mind.

My cousin rarely touched a drop of alcohol...then he went into the marines. Now he is pretty much drunk all the time. When his time was up, he had to move back here to minnesota cause he feared he would join back up with the marines. He found life boring as a civilian, still does...thats why hes keeping himself away from the army, so he doesnt enlist back up and go back to iraq...that and hes drunk all the time now...


Just careful man...military life changes you...sometimes for the bad...

but then again on the other hand, my other cousin was heavy into drugs and crap. He was a junkie, then they sent him to military school. He came out of that clean, and is now heading down to Iraq to fly black hawks...hope he comes out safe from that...he just married his wife not that long ago, and has a child on the way so...
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Divineslasher on April 21, 2007, 11:32:42 am
Thats one of the many reasons im not joining the army.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Flask on April 21, 2007, 11:32:54 am
Quote from: ZPO4O
The army changes people...just keep that in mind.

My cousin rarely touched a drop of alcohol...then he went into the marines. Now he is pretty much drunk all the time. When his time was up, he had to move back here to minnesota cause he feared he would join back up with the marines. He found life boring as a civilian, still does...thats why hes keeping himself away from the army, so he doesnt enlist back up and go back to iraq...that and hes drunk all the time now...


Just careful man...military life changes you...sometimes for the bad...

but then again on the other hand, my other cousin was heavy into drugs and crap. He was a junkie, then they sent him to military school. He came out of that clean, and is now heading down to Iraq to fly black hawks...hope he comes out safe from that...he just married his wife not that long ago, and has a child on the way so...

Your cousins sound nice.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: ZPO4O on April 21, 2007, 11:35:46 am
Marines and Airforce...just hope the one going out there now comes back with a good head on his shoulders yet.
With a child on the way, he doesnt need to be a drunk like my other one.

Dont get me wrong though, my one cousin who came back from the marines was awesome and still is...its just he drinks a little too much...
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: cheeseaholic on April 21, 2007, 12:51:22 pm
Mercenary company soldiers may make more money than national soldiers, but they generally get the more dangerous jobs.  They also often get less respect than a nation's own soldiers (as already shown in this topic).  I hear they're good places to go after burritos the army if you want to use all the training that you got to make a living.  Because there isn't much else that uses that kind of training.

While not something that I would try to do, I consider mercenary to be an honorable job.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: wethepeople on April 21, 2007, 09:55:07 pm
XD @ Topic.

Cain, you're a kid. You're young, and no offense, but your goals seem silly. You want to be on the top five list of the most kills? What!? You should be focusing on school, education, relationships and a career.  You're a teen and you already decided to join the military. The Military is nothing more then an organized lie, to bend a thousand guys like yourself to do the Governments will, which is always notioned after the official gets the highest buck. The Iraq war is nothing more then a (Poorly) explained excuse to get back at some gentlemen that Bush's dad had a grudge against, and an excuse to get land and money and resources. Terrorists do exist, and they are to be feared and hated, but this war was not about "Freedom" or "Liberation."

Mercenaries? Harder job to get then the Navy seals, and you have more of a chance to surviving a fourty thousand foot drop then actually getting phone calls like the Transporter to go knock off Joe Studds. You can't buy a Mercenaries 101 book or join a Mercenaries school. They're the equivical to Medieval assassins, but even harder to get to. And for your sanity, you'd have more fun punching babies then doing that. Getting PAID to kill for all you know an innocent man (Or woman.)? I'd rather die, thanks.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 22, 2007, 05:21:20 am
Mercs=soldiers for hire...

And I don't know one person that focuse's on school. If they do, then that is what we call nerds. Nerds, yea usually make it and have a good life. But are still nerds. And wethepeople aren't you 14 too? I thought you told me you were like 13 or something.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Normandy on April 22, 2007, 08:54:57 am
How to immunitize yourself from draft: Get a scholarship! Even a 10$ grant from McDonalds will do.

It's in the Bill of Rights that people with scholarships cannot be drafted   . Or atleast something like that.

You know it's a proven scientific fact that idiots will soon take over the world... It's quite simple really: Idiots reproduce more. So every nerd that you see (including me) for we are a dying kind!

You can't blame Bush for the Iraq war! You're kind of forgetting something... You know... With the planes... And those two towers in lower Manhattan... and the effects still felt today... And the widely believed government conspiracy theories... You know...

If you think about it sure Bush had beef with Iraq, but that was not the only thing. Sure we needed oil, but if we truly wanted oil, would we be trying to make Iraq work on its own? Why do you think we don't turn Iraq into a protectorate like Cuba or something? Plus nobody in the government (outside of government agencies... But does it really matter? They don't make any important decisions anyways) has enough foresight to make a long-winded plan to get America more oil AND evade all the red tape in the process...

In my opinion, Mercs aren't that bad... It's just a way to make a living... But then again some people [politicians] make a living by arguing about healthcare (among other matters)... I'd say it's just a necessary evil.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Gen_Brett on April 22, 2007, 10:54:26 am
Quote from: SirCain
Mercs=soldiers for hire...

And I don't know one person that focuse's on school. If they do, then that is what we call nerds. Nerds, yea usually make it and have a good life. But are still nerds. And wethepeople aren't you 14 too? I thought you told me you were like 13 or something.

You are now a farking moron in my eyes. Congrats. Any ounce of respect I might have had for you has just dropped to nothing.

Just because someone focuses on school does not make them nerds. It just means they don't want to fail, repeat the grade, and end up getting some shitty ass job with a salary of $4 a year. Oh, and since your an idiot, I better tell you that $4 a year is a CockPonytization. Go to http://dictionary.com (http://dictionary.com) to find out what it means.

So tell me Cain, what do you call those guys who get any damned girl in the world and focus on their studies? I wouldn't call them a nerd. Hell what do you call a jock who focuses on his studies? He's simply trying to stay on the team, not a nerd.

What do you call girls like these who HIGHLY focus on their studies:
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Mr_Cynic on April 22, 2007, 10:59:05 am
Quote from: SirCain
Mercs=soldiers for hire...

And I don't know one person that focuse's on school. If they do, then that is what we call nerds. Nerds, yea usually make it and have a good life. But are still nerds. And wethepeople aren't you 14 too? I thought you told me you were like 13 or something.

You just lost all of my respect.  All of it.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: cheeseaholic on April 22, 2007, 11:29:22 am
This topic is full of stupidity all around.  And I mean even for an RI topic.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: wethepeople on April 22, 2007, 11:57:37 am
Quote from: SirCain
Mercs=soldiers for hire...

And I don't know one person that focuse's on school. If they do, then that is what we call nerds. Nerds, yea usually make it and have a good life. But are still nerds. And wethepeople aren't you 14 too? I thought you told me you were like 13 or something.

...XD Respect level=WAY downt. I may be 14, but I'm not stupid. Wanting to freaking kill people for money is idiotic, and stuff. Your goals are to kill more people then anyone else, something I would rather die then do. All you want to do is kill, and you're calling me a nerd? Wow. Landing a job, and a girlfriend, and a nice career is LIFE, not a nerd. A nerd is the person who is brainwashed my all progaganda and who focuses his entire teenage life on stewing over wanting to go into the military. And I know what blasted mercenaries are, they're essentially fake. YOU CAN'T BE ONE. You can't just walk up to some guy in a hoody, and land a 50K hit. You can't, you never will. First, to get into military, you need a good education (Gasp!), then you need to survive boot camp, and then you most likely won't see action for a year or two. Ever watch a real army film or footage? Not Blackhawk down or Pearl harbor? Yeah. They sit around, talk, and wait for the enemy. 20% of it is actually fighting, the rest is going nuts from loneliness. And after that, you need to get into Special forces (Such high requirements, I have no idea what you need to do. All I know is a college degree is one of them.), which is hell in and of itself. THEN you need to survive, and then you retire and become one of the thousands of ignored VETS. There's no rewards, happiness, there's no mercenaries or hit jobs or renounded solid snake fame. You go home, remember the hard, forget the good, miss your friends, and want to die.

Yeah. Sign me up. And I'm the nerd.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 22, 2007, 02:32:29 pm
Yes you are . My uncle was in Spec: Ops. What they told him to do: they bound his hands, covered his eyes, and landed him in the middle of some jungle. Then gave him a knife, and told him to wait 2 weeks. He did it, but declined the offer, cause he would have had to move to a different country. I know they get lonely, hell im already lonely. I don't really expect to see as much action as I want. I might not even see any (god forbid), and might not make it into spec:ops. But I will try my hardest to get into it.

You can't just walk up to some guy in a hoody, and land a 50K hit.

I don't understand what that means. Explain please?
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Mr_Cynic on April 22, 2007, 02:35:24 pm
It means there aren't quite as many (legal) job openings as to easily make a living as a mercenary unless you join a professional security company.  Plus, by the way, you're in the RIA!  You were going crazy for the chance to enter a war on an online game!  You actually play CN!  Does that not strike you as at least a little nerdy?
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 22, 2007, 02:38:57 pm
Like Brink? My uncle is in that. He transports Money transfers. They made a law I forgot when but not long ago, that allowed them to carry heavy weaponry like: smg's, and assualt rifles, cause a guy got killed in a attack.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Mr_Cynic on April 22, 2007, 02:42:07 pm
Exactly right there: "because a guy got killed in an attack."  You have a damn good chance of dying.  Plus, where is this "money transfer" ****?  Because otherwise, this Brink fellow is what most people like to call a security guard.  Just with bigger guns.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: cheeseaholic on April 22, 2007, 02:44:57 pm
I believe that most active mercenary companies are running security in Iraq right now.  Either for private companies or for the US military in places where it doesn't want to send US soldiers because of high casulties.

In fact, most active US soldiers are security guards with bigger guns at the moment.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 22, 2007, 02:55:31 pm
I think it was a money transfer from Indianiapolis, to Evansville.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: wethepeople on April 22, 2007, 03:03:48 pm
Quote from: SirCain
Yes you are . My uncle was in Spec: Ops. What they told him to do: they bound his hands, covered his eyes, and landed him in the middle of some jungle. Then gave him a knife, and told him to wait 2 weeks. He did it, but declined the offer, cause he would have had to move to a different country. I know they get lonely, hell im already lonely. I don't really expect to see as much action as I want. I might not even see any (god forbid), and might not make it into spec:ops. But I will try my hardest to get into it.

You can't just walk up to some guy in a hoody, and land a 50K hit.

I don't understand what that means. Explain please?

Your goals: To go into an army, and shoot people. Sounds like an amazing life to me. My goals: To become a Pastor, gett a degree in philosphy and Bible school, and help as many people as I can, possibly becoming a psyche. Just to help as many people as I can. I need an education, and a life for that. I'm such a nerd! Woe is me, I want to help people, and I want to not be the dumb idiot who has to shoot someone. I'm so pathetic. Listen, you're being swayed by most likely some younger-then-you people at school. Its always the cool thing, "Lets mock out the studying kid." That studying kid has a meaning to his life, and found it. You wan to shoot people, and for no good reason. How /dare/ you mock anyone out that wants to have a life for themselves, when your final goals are to shoot people for money. And I really don't care what your uncle was in. All forms of military are exuses for either resources, or to strut the US's military legs. I couldn't care less about any of that, because I know military hasn't had any good reason since WWII.  The fact that you can even tell yourself that you want to load a gun, pull the trigger, and take someone's soul is beyond horrible to me. And you want to do it more then anyone? Wow.

What I mean't by that was you're never going to get a hit job. Ever. People just don't call you and ask to shoot some one. Its rare, its reality, and it hardly happens. You aren't going to be Snake Plissken, you aren't going to be some badass ex-marine with aveangence. Never going to happen. Snap into reality.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: cheeseaholic on April 22, 2007, 03:06:12 pm
I want to burn this topic and everyone in it right now.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: wethepeople on April 22, 2007, 03:06:53 pm
Quote from: cheeseaholic
I want to burn this topic and everyone in it right now.

Agreed, but you have no reason to burn me.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: bioakky on April 22, 2007, 03:13:41 pm
Quote from: Gen_Brett
What do you call girls like these who HIGHLY focus on their studies:
pic snip

Really freaking hot.

Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: cheeseaholic on April 22, 2007, 03:13:58 pm
No, you're mocking mercenaries.  Many soldiers willing to fight for their country want to make a decent amount of cash while doing so.  Since the pay for being a soldier and risking your life for your country, they join a mercenary company after spending some years in the army.  Mr_Cynic is acting like crazy during elections, SirCain is being rude, and his choice of a future profession makes me think that he dresses in all black in real life, and I let myself respond a couple of times in this topic, which is a hole of stupidity.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: wethepeople on April 22, 2007, 03:28:07 pm
I'm not mocking them, I'm saying there's hardly a chance to even be one. And I don't care how poor the military's pay is. If I /had/ to join, or would die, I would join and help my comrades. I'm not going to risk my life just for money, thats what working at a gas station in Philly is for. You should join the military for right reason, and just reasons. Not money. <_> Even  if you do join not for money, its a stupid decision.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 22, 2007, 04:15:44 pm
I think you becoming a pastor is one of the greatest things a person can do. Good luck. As for the thing about me never becoming a merc: we'll find out.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Leo on April 22, 2007, 05:54:25 pm
Quote from: EnragedLobster
I'm pretty sure no one here's ever been in the military.

I, for one, would simply flee the country if a draft was ever enstated, let alone join of my own choice.

EL, wanna flee with me and see if we can steal a boat and make it an official country? We can call it SS Freedomland and the flag can be my underwear!
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: DRUNKENKING on April 22, 2007, 06:52:19 pm
Leo wears underwear?
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Leo on April 22, 2007, 06:53:03 pm
Leo wears underwear?

 No, but I own some.
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: SirCain on April 23, 2007, 05:24:27 am
Title: Any RIA (Army Experianced)
Post by: Reoga on May 02, 2007, 03:03:41 am
Quote from: EnragedLobster
I'm pretty sure no one here's ever been in the military.

I, for one, would simply flee the country if a draft was ever enstated, let alone join of my own choice.

Quote from: smeeth
I'd be willing to fight for my country if it was a worthwhile cause. Such as stopping genocide or something. Not to go try and get oil though.

Quote from: SirCain
I am joining either American Army, or the French Foreign Legion. or maybe the Irish. I hope to be after 4-6 years of training in the military, a merc. Maybe then I can make the big bucks. + I hope to make Top#5 Top Army Killers List.

Quote from: Flask
Quote from: ZPO4O
The army changes people...just keep that in mind.

My cousin rarely touched a drop of alcohol...then he went into the marines. Now he is pretty much drunk all the time. When his time was up, he had to move back here to minnesota cause he feared he would join back up with the marines. He found life boring as a civilian, still does...thats why hes keeping himself away from the army, so he doesnt enlist back up and go back to iraq...that and hes drunk all the time now...


Just careful man...military life changes you...sometimes for the bad...

but then again on the other hand, my other cousin was heavy into drugs and crap. He was a junkie, then they sent him to military school. He came out of that clean, and is now heading down to Iraq to fly black hawks...hope he comes out safe from that...he just married his wife not that long ago, and has a child on the way so...

Your cousins sound nice.
I just found this topic and i Was in the wars in Afgain.,and Iraq "oil land"

my unit was one of the 1st in iraq War is not a pruty sight.

Lobster I would hunt u down if u did that. smeeth good job SirCain drop the last part
next quote yea You're a ****ing idiot.
Flask tell your  cousin  thx & god bless from the boy in the 515th cav scouts
and yea it changes u mail me for more info