Random Insanity Alliance Forum, Mark V

Cactuar Zone => Random lnsanity => Topic started by: Shyox on July 18, 2007, 06:05:09 am

Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Shyox on July 18, 2007, 06:05:09 am
What do you guys expect on the first date?

What about the second, what about subsequent dates?

None of my relationships have ever been normal, so I have no idea.

I haven't had a date since... What, the 8th grade?

I've been with 4 women since then, but no dates. Because I'm a man-whore.

What do you guys expect?
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: DRUNKENKING on July 18, 2007, 01:43:50 pm
An interview. For both sides. Where you choose the date(or if she chose the date) it also reflects what sort of person you are. Try not to lie, it will bite you in ass if you go later in the relationship.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Vintus on July 18, 2007, 03:37:41 pm
Never been on the date, currently going into the 11th grade.

It's not that I can't get one, it's that I don't want one. And I'll stay by that until someone can prove me otherwise.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Leo on July 18, 2007, 03:57:48 pm
Quote from: Vintus
Never been on the date, currently going into the 11th grade.

It's not that I can't get one, it's that I don't want one. And I'll stay by that until someone can prove me otherwise.

Agreed, and my wallet thanks me for that.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Crunka on July 18, 2007, 04:22:51 pm
hmm, if by date you mean asking some chick that you like to spend time with you, or like your g/f and you just going to a movie or dinner.

if it's the first one then it's usually just talking about shit you like and how you both are and whatnot.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Commisar Gaunt on July 18, 2007, 04:48:10 pm
If you're on a date, just do what seems natural, unless you're a real weirdo.  If you are, you probably shouldn't be dating anyone anyways  

Really, dating should be about having that kind of... flow with the other person.  If it's not working, or it doesnt seem natural, then you should really reconsider whom your dating.  If you don't think it's a total lack of charm, charisma, or personality on your part, then there is the tiny teeny chance that maybe it might just not be the best atmosphere for a first date or maybe you're both just very nervous.

Then again, maybe you're just a weirdo

Don't worry if you've never been on a date either--you're wallet DOES thank you
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Shyox on July 18, 2007, 04:50:44 pm
Umm.... Guys, I was talking about what to expect intimacy wise. >.>

And why don't you want to go on a date?
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: schneereich on July 18, 2007, 05:52:59 pm
intimacy-wise? dont expect sex! well, depends on whether or not she is slutty...
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Ananegg on July 18, 2007, 06:49:17 pm
Quote from: Shyox
Umm.... Guys, I was talking about what to expect intimacy wise. >.>

It really depends on the girl and the situation.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Jukers on July 18, 2007, 08:42:40 pm
Are you asking girls or the dudes?
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Commisar Gaunt on July 18, 2007, 09:08:44 pm
intimacy wise on the first date?

give me her number!  
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Rynka on July 18, 2007, 09:22:25 pm
First date? If it's good, a kiss or two.

Second? If it's good, a kiss or two.

Third? If it's good, tongue action.

Then again, everyone moves at their own pace. The guy I was dating for almost a year before we split I didn't have sex with. In any other relationship, I think it would probably happen. I guess it all depends on age too. I think I'll be a bit less reserved with myself in college since I'm older (ie- I'm not going to sleep with guys just because I can, we're still gonna have to date and be a successful couple. But I won't wait a year, lol).
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: enragedlobster on July 18, 2007, 09:42:49 pm
Intimacy-wise on the first date?

Not much.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: dark star on July 18, 2007, 09:56:02 pm
i agree with the last 2

on the first date (which i haven't been on in a while) a kiss or 2 if the moment is right and happens
on the second date there is more chance for kisses
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: ace of spades on July 19, 2007, 12:34:46 pm
Quote from: dark star
i agree with the last 2

on the first date (which i haven't been on in a while) a kiss or 2 if the moment is right and happens
on the second date there is more chance for kisses
i agree with darkstar, the moment decides what will happen
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Commisar Gaunt on July 19, 2007, 04:06:01 pm
yeah, you will def. know when things are right...

everything in my current relationship was nice and slow--a month before we kissed, a couple more before we really REALLY kissed, and then over a year before anything sexual happened, just b/c we're a couple of seniors not trying to have babies

that's another thing--make your first time awsome, and having a long, caring relationship with someone can do that for you
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Crunka on July 19, 2007, 04:18:29 pm
shit dude.

2nd-moar kiss
3rd-making out

by then you guys should be going out.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: evil greg guy on July 19, 2007, 07:38:21 pm
Im in high school. I have noticed something about teen relationships. This is only MY viewings, and observations.

i dont really know how old you are shyox, but ive noticed that any couples that are making out within the first few (1-3) dates tend to not last much longer than a few months.                                                      When i say this, i mean it as maybe 1 date per week.         it also depends on what kind of people you are.
And, even if you dont make out within the first few dates, tahst fine too, it'll come, just take your time and enjoy it.
because i really couldnt because of some friends being pricks because i hadnt made out with my girlfriend after the second date.

(glares at one individual who should know who he is)
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: schneereich on July 19, 2007, 07:48:14 pm
Quote from: evil greg guy
because i really couldnt because of some friends being pricks because i hadnt made out with my girlfriend after the second date.

aye, thats bloody annoying. if your friends are all like "omfyg you havent (insert action here) yet? and youve been going out for (insert time period here)?", then calmly take a knife and insert it into those friends.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: evil greg guy on July 19, 2007, 07:53:10 pm
i would, but i would go to jail...   and end up one of the crazies   and then the men in white would take me   and torture me until i revealed all of my super-ultra-knoledge   , and then they would make me a retard, so al;l i could do is act like a child  
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: schneereich on July 19, 2007, 07:56:51 pm
you forgot to mention prison rape   and prison fights   . oh, and prison cannibalism  
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: evil greg guy on July 19, 2007, 08:16:25 pm
true, i did, but back on topic, just go with the flow of ur relationship shyox.
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: Crunka on July 19, 2007, 11:31:25 pm
my last g/f lasted for 8 months and we made out in the first
Title: What to expect when you're expecting
Post by: evil greg guy on July 19, 2007, 11:38:17 pm
if i had meant every single relationship i would have said every single relationship would i have not? All i said was from my observations. I wasn't trying to prove that it can't happen, i was just saying that i havent seen it happen often.