Random Insanity Alliance Forum, Mark V

Cactuar Zone => Random lnsanity => Topic started by: Ananegg on July 30, 2007, 08:30:00 pm

Title: Bleskie goes ApeS***
Post by: Ananegg on July 30, 2007, 08:30:00 pm
[21:12] Bleskie: ufofoubfg
[21:12] Bleskie: whjw wjf wef jwhe olwewwe?
[21:12] John: high?
[21:13] Bleskie: iuorgf rlajwf erwflawh ferwef!
[21:13] Bleskie: ilil;flfr werfaw.
[21:13] John: o rly?
[21:13] Bleskie: 34tq3itk;lte
[21:14] John: no wai
[21:14] Bleskie: slsidfh lhjulte
[21:15] Bleskie: hjrgjl grsjll esgsfs?
[21:16] John: lolz
[21:17] Bleskie: fgbjlfgjgj g ergkj trjgrt rkj trjgkrjt geg
[21:17] Bleskie: jfjejuer.
[21:17] John: so, I heard yuo leik mudkips?
[21:17] Bleskie: 65
[21:18] Bleskie: /b/hgoghrogwehjhjwrtonhrw OR COCK
[21:19] Bleskie: hnerhkg rtgjrl rghrlnrwlt /b/FUCKERS?
[21:19] John: CEmen
[21:20] Bleskie: ekjggke.rgbe egweg ewtg
[21:20] Bleskie: kmgebw rkjbht erhkerjhe erbj er
[21:22] John: OMGWTFBBQ
[21:22] Bleskie: rljyrt rhyrthtrhyrt h rhr
[21:29] John: ZOMG
Title: Bleskie goes ApeS***
Post by: Ganon5 on July 30, 2007, 09:58:28 pm
Hehe that was an awesome read, I actually lol'd
Title: Bleskie goes ApeS***
Post by: Castille on July 31, 2007, 12:03:22 am
so many of these things make me wonder this is no exception