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Topics - Lord Fingolfin

Pages: [1]
Ambassador Sign-Ups / TOP Mask Change/Request
« on: January 02, 2011, 09:12:46 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Lord Fingolfin
Your Alliance: The Order Of The Paradox
Your Alliance's Initials: TOP
Your Alliance's primary team color: Orange
URL to your alliance's forum: ordoparadox.com


New Member Portal / Greetings
« on: July 04, 2010, 02:24:13 pm »
Hey guys, new member popping in to say hello. I'm new to the RIA, however, I've been in CN for quite some time and I'm looking forward to the new experience of being a member of such a random and insane alliance. For simplicities sake I'm just going to copy paste from my application to give a little introduction to myself

Originally was a NAAC-er back in 2006, and I quit prior to GWIII since I knew NPO was going to just trash everything and become the dominant power.  I returned  shortly before Karma when I heard NPO was getting challenged and opposition was forming to roll them. I ended up joining Legion because I had remembered them as an anti-NPO force and they were one of the few alliance names that I recognized and which had stood the test of time after such a long absence from the game. After a few weeks there I realized they weren't anti-NPO anymore, far from it,  but I stuck around anyway. Over time I worked various Legion positions, Director of Technology, Deputy Foreign Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education Staff, Game Mechanics Staff, Proconsul (#2 in the alliance), Legion representative to PEACE/Poseidon and a handful of others. I always clashed with a lot of the government/their worldview/complete ineptness at doing anything assertive. During the Bi-Polar war I served on the coalition leadership council thing prior to Polar joining "your" side, and after the pre-emptive strike I was elected by the collective coalition governments as one of the 3 coalition triumvirs/leaders, along with MCRABT of IRON and Frannie of DAWN. I was responsible for coordinating the war effort on Sparta and a handful of others. As Proconsul I did everything I could to sabotage Legion-Sparta/allies peace discussions and keep us in the war, which eventually let to me being removed from Proconsul for insubordination after our Imperator finally forced through peace after I tried to overrule him. I left after we peaced out, embittered and angry as I felt we could and should have fought it out to the end. I hung out in NPO briefly, served as lower FA gov in NSO for a while, helped found Gondor, left Gondor to help friends in IRON fight Gramlins upper tier, returned to Gondor to rebuild, and here I am now. I look forward to working with you all

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Legion Embassy/Mask request
« on: October 04, 2009, 11:45:51 am »
Your Nation's Ruler: Lord Fingolfin
Your Alliance: The Legion
Your Alliance's Initials: N/A
Your Alliance's primary team color: Purple
URL to your alliance's forum: The Legion

Pages: [1]

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