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Topics - Brendan

Pages: [1]
New Member Portal / Well, Hi.
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:28:08 am »
  Hello everyone, I'm Brendan. I've been around Cybernations since probably 2006 under a variety of guises and in a multitude of alliances, but I think I'm going to keep this account alive for the "duration". I've just recently left CSN, because I haven't really had any time to play this game in the "Roleplay/Community" sense of the game. I am now finished with HS and all its shenanigans but, I still have Track and Feild going on, I just have to get through the All State Meet, and graduation, then I'm golden. I still have a week of business to wade through and then I should start to get involved in the RIA community.

I will give you a list of things I like and don't like

-Running and Hurdling (i'm a masochist)
-Self improvement

-Semi gay shit..
-stupid bitches

Pages: [1]

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