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Messages - DrunkWino

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Random lnsanity / <_<
« on: March 28, 2009, 04:29:19 pm »

Random lnsanity / <_<
« on: March 28, 2009, 04:23:54 pm »

Random lnsanity / Report from Team Giza
« on: March 28, 2009, 04:19:23 pm »
They've been working about as quickly as a Duke Nukem coder restoring all the cut content from Knights of The Old Republic 2.

You know? To make the ending not suck as much cock as it did.

Anyway, latest news puts the first downloadable release of the restoration at this coming week.

Random lnsanity / <_<
« on: March 28, 2009, 04:16:09 pm »

Random lnsanity / <_<
« on: March 28, 2009, 03:44:16 pm »

Random lnsanity / <_<
« on: March 28, 2009, 03:22:18 pm »

Random lnsanity / My god....
« on: March 27, 2009, 03:05:19 pm »
>>>Is it wrong I want this more that I want any woman?

Probably, but fuck it. You can always grab a skank. A Bacon Cheese Stuffed Pizza burger? That's the things of legend.

/just find a way to deep-fry it.

Tech Trades / Tech trade - Long term $$$
« on: March 26, 2009, 01:42:47 pm »
Quote from: ajsandow123456789
i want to send the money\

What's your nations link?

Random lnsanity / It has come to my attention
« on: March 25, 2009, 07:51:36 pm »
Quote from: Pterrydactyl
when we said "wino" who did you think we were talking about?

The drunk guy?

Random lnsanity / It has come to my attention
« on: March 24, 2009, 10:39:18 pm »
You bitches must be drunker than I am.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / CSN Diplomat thingamabob....
« on: March 23, 2009, 06:20:09 pm »
I prefer a lead lined fist, but iron fists work well.

Random lnsanity / OMFG!
« on: March 23, 2009, 07:06:23 am »
Quote from: llamavore
I enjoyed the link

DW's mod abuse is rarely funny :[

Taint me this time.

Random lnsanity / CN:TE
« on: March 22, 2009, 09:09:39 pm »
Quote from: Leo
If ya wanna, you can help us out next round?

Depends on what your asking. If you just want another hand, it'd be kinda worthless. If you're looking to do it rite, then yeah. Separate board, gov setup, the works. I'd been having an itch to build an alliance and TE would give me the chance.

Random lnsanity / CN:TE
« on: March 22, 2009, 06:37:42 pm »
Cause I didn't realize that it was still going. I thought it was gone after last round.

Random lnsanity / CN:TE
« on: March 22, 2009, 05:46:32 pm »
Yeah, I imagine so.

Random lnsanity / CN:TE
« on: March 22, 2009, 04:39:06 pm »
We ran a microalliance last round for war practice purposes, but didn't this time. The point was to get into fight after fight to get comfortable with the different mechanics of it.

If you wanted to run a new alliance using the RI flag, then you should have run it. Nobody's stopping you so don't blame everyone else.

/in fact, I'm actually playing with Fark this round.

Random lnsanity / FUCK
« on: March 22, 2009, 01:23:21 pm »
Quote from: Aaron
Quote from: nIveK oGre
oh and if you only pirate shit and dont even pay for any music then you're a fucking tool

some of us are old enough to have witnessed the decline of the music industry and whatever you think of the RIAA and major labels... it's really the indie labels that have been effected the most.  i've seen a ton of great labels have to quit because they couldnt make enough money anymore due to people downloading albums.  for the bands that were more underground and only sold 5k albums to begin with you can't survive when half of those start downloading the albums instead.

dont be a fucking tool... buy the music you love.

I will start buying when they start selling at a reasonable price.

I agree with both sides of this equation. I'm sick and fucking tired of paying an inflated price for a CD (cheaper to produce than a tape ever was,) that has a grand total of 3 songs that I actually like on it.

I buy maybe one or two CD's a year nowadays. The rest I buy singles online and stick on my MP3 player and burn my own CD's.

/haven't pirated in a quarter past forever though. A good musician should be rewarded after all.

Random lnsanity / Simple Gun Build Plan
« on: March 22, 2009, 10:28:14 am »
Quote from: Arsenal 10
Don't get me wrong, I love shooting guns at targets and that. Only time I've held one was shooting at a tree on a friend's farm. And it was fun.

And yeah, I'm an anti-gun nut case. Even our police over here don't have guns. Or, rather, don't always carry them with them. It seems odd tto me that you would just buy a killing machine because "its fucking awesome".

Trick is, I've been a gun owner or living in a house with guns in it for over thirty years. I haven't killed one thing (not even hunting) yet.

The problem isn't the legality of guns, which I highly believe in as a deterrent for your own government going to far (no, I don't trust my government at all,) the problem is two-fold. First, is a lack of responsibility from some gun owners. Like you said, it's a mindless killing machine. I think anyone who owns a gun or wants to own a gun should take a gun safety course and pass a gun safety test.

The second is the availability of illegal guns, and I'm not talking about assault weapons. A gun does not have a mind, a sense of morality, nor a ethical code. Therefore, it is up to the person who holds the gun to provide them. Put simply, there are people who fail to live up to those checks and some of them have guns. There's a whole lot of laws in America I'm not a fan of. I think the federal and state governments have gone overboard criminalizing trivial things that don't deserve it and setting outrageous prison sentences which, consequently, even after release a prisoner has typically not be rehabilitated and in many cases has been existed in a culture that encourages even more violent crime. All that in mind, however, someone owning a gun illegally or using a gun (even legal) to commit a crime should face much harsher penalties than one who does not.

It's all a balancing act, IMO. I happen to superscribe to the theory of deterrence, which basically says in a case like this, if others know or suspect that you are armed, they are far less liable to screw with you, be it common thief or the professional thieves known as the United States Congress.

/as far as taking all the guns off the street? Yeah, that might be too large a prospect to take on in America, even if we particularly wanted to do it. We've got too many, spread across to large of a land area, and would be able to easily smuggle more in through our southern borders if need be. The Mexican drug wars are already brutal for Mexico and American border states, adding gunrunning to fuel that fire would make it 100x worse.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / many meeps, from APP :)
« on: March 20, 2009, 11:19:06 pm »
Where'd you put 'em?

Random lnsanity / Simple Gun Build Plan
« on: March 18, 2009, 12:10:36 am »
Buddy of mine had a .50 Desert Eagle. We'd take that bad motherfucker down to the range and fire off a few rounds. I shit you not when I tell you the cops who hung out around there would be running through the front door after the cannon shot of the first round went off. Every last one of them wanted to take a shot with it, and most of them would fire one shot and set that magnificent piece of steel down with a look of mixed awe and fear in their eyes.

/one cop took one shot, set the gun down, backed away and said "Fuck that monster."
//if you shot somebody at point blank range with it, the muzzle fire would burn their face off.

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