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Messages - Crunka

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Random lnsanity / Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 27, 2008, 06:01:27 pm »
hey Mr. Konderwink, what is your GT on XBL?

Random lnsanity / Left For BED?
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:15:17 am »

Random lnsanity / So I finally killed this girl...
« on: November 25, 2008, 01:10:56 am »
Quote from: Elijah S Konderwink
Quote from: Crunka
also, i didn't quite catch that mr. konderwink...

Fuck you.


« on: November 24, 2008, 05:12:37 am »
Original Post from craigslist:  http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/lax/182862349.html

Don't even fucking say a word. I like potato chips, and can't eat them very much or I'll get fat.

I tried out these Pringles Fat-Free chips because they were super low-cal. BBQ flavor. the fuck.

The can said they had 70 calories per serving, which meant the whole can had 490 calories inside total. I could munch through a can in a day with my lunch, dinner, etc. So I got several cans, and began enjoying one a day for the past four days. But what they dont fucking tell you...

Except in tiny print you cant read without a fucking electron microscope

...is that the primary ingredient is something called "olean" which I have since learned is Latin for "Unwashable & Indestructible Ass Grease."

Oh Yeah. I'm not even kidding.

So today, while I'm standing in the living room debating whether or not Laundry or Dishes will get done first, I get the urge to fart. I live alone, so sweet. I let the honk loose and its wrong. Something just sounded wrong. I know my own wind, and I have never farted a sound that sounded like a fart wrapped in a pillow.

Oh yes, something was very wrong. I had just shat myself. But this evil olean makes shitting yourself sound almost like a regular fart, and had I not been particularly attentive, it could easily have gone unnoticed, I'm telling you. THAT's how utterly covert and evil this olean stuff is. What the fuck?! What if I'd gone out to hang with friends or gone for a drive, what then?

So I walk carefully to the bathroom and disrobe. before I even sit on the toilet, I wad paper and carefully wipe from the front. Sure enough, it was light brown, and had the texture of soft spackle. You fucking Pringle bastards.

I sat down and pushed a bit, and lo, out came a jet that I didnt even feel an urge for one minute earlier. It piled in the bowl like brown marshmallow fluff.

The problem rose when I tried to wipe. I went through a whole fucking roll of TP and could not get it all off me. So.

I jumped in the shower. Yep, its gross, but it had to be done. There I stood, water pouring down, cheeks spread, and using my own hand to make certain I'm clean.

That was when I discovered that after using my hand to wipe myself (before I soaped the area) my hand came back covered in some sort of transparent grease. It was so fucking foul. The grease made water bead off my hand. It was tacky too, and very difficult to manage.

So I grabbed the bar of saop and went to work.

You fucking Pringle bastards.

The bar of soap came away coated in grease as well, and would no longer wash. I had to turn the water to hot and massage the soap for five minutes to get it to the point where I could use it again. It took me an hour to get the fucking grease off my pucker. I shudder to think of what its doing INSIDE ME right now, but I will damned sure never eat that shit again.

Fucking Pringle bastards.

This is where the joke about "anal leakage" came from. its real. Fuck Pringles.

    * this is in or around ANAL LEAKAGE, ANYBODY?

Random lnsanity / tldr
« on: November 24, 2008, 04:47:46 am »
i wonder if anyone is willing to read all of that...

Random lnsanity / Would someone rate my music?
« on: November 24, 2008, 04:42:42 am »
did you read my post?

Random lnsanity / So I finally killed this girl...
« on: November 22, 2008, 04:12:09 pm »

also, i didn't quite catch that mr. konderwink...

Random lnsanity / Who to pick
« on: November 22, 2008, 04:07:41 pm »
Quote from: slickynickx
I liked this girl last year so i talked to her all summer and now i know she likes me but I lost interest because theres a new girl at school i have to meet but shes HOT! as in a blonde asian girl and it looks good on her.

Quote from: slickynickx
a new girl at school i have to meet but shes HOT! as in a blonde asian girl and it looks good on her.

Quote from: slickynickx
shes HOT! as in a blonde asian girl

Quote from: slickynickx
blonde asian girl


« on: November 22, 2008, 03:58:52 pm »

Random lnsanity / How hard is it to add a NWS tag? Really?
« on: November 21, 2008, 03:53:05 am »
Quote from: Damen
Electric Mango's topics and my personal distaste to porn and womin.


Random lnsanity / Would someone rate my music?
« on: November 18, 2008, 01:55:45 am »
^ not necessarily.

i listen to some great lyrics that are just the description of something.

i'm going to take a plunge and ask you to have an open mind and listen to some rap/hip-hop.


artists like:

aesop rock
tupac (some of his poetry too)
early outkast
the grouch
zion i and the grouch (specifically the song "silly putty")

the reason why i said rap/hip-hop is because the main focus (theoretically) is to the lyrics. don't get me wrong, other styles of music have great lyrics, whereas rap is different  as it is not so centered around the music (hence repetition and sampling).

if you want to learn kung-fu, it is better to learn from a master rather than an apprentice, right?

Random lnsanity / So i finally talked to this girl.
« on: November 18, 2008, 01:39:38 am »
A lesson i've learned through YEARS of experience is that womin do not willingly have sex. however, this can be altered with the use of the following factors:

-Coke andine
-other drugs
-gun to their head

with the use of these factors women may willingly* have sex.

*unconscious unrealistic will

Random lnsanity / XFD
« on: November 18, 2008, 01:33:26 am »

Random lnsanity / Ever been in a relationship?
« on: November 17, 2008, 07:01:58 pm »
aww...is c-zom ashamed of his younger self?

Random lnsanity / Would someone rate my music?
« on: November 17, 2008, 06:48:20 pm »

but if you're going for that then yay4u/10

ask yourself what made you write this and develop on that feeling...

Random lnsanity / Left 4 Dead
« on: November 17, 2008, 06:45:42 pm »
I loled at this so hard:

"How to piss other players off" NoMeLx22x wrote:
Kill all 3 of the people right off the bat in the saferoom. Then tell them that the last one left alive will be revived. Then watch as they all shoot each other on the ground with their pistols. Then when one is left walk up to him/her and shoot him point blank in the face.

Random lnsanity / Left 4 Dead
« on: November 17, 2008, 01:54:42 am »
flask! i told you about this demo a long time ago so that we may play together, why did you abandon me?!

Random lnsanity / So i finally talked to this girl.
« on: November 17, 2008, 01:52:05 am »

Random lnsanity / So i finally talked to this girl.
« on: November 11, 2008, 10:38:38 pm »
Quote from: KingRanter
Quote from: Localhazard
A whole shitload of crap I couldn't bring myself to read
my apologies but OHHH MMMYYYYY SSHIIIIITTT!!!!!!

you're stupid if you did not read that. the man gave you good advise.

i also agree with most things localhazard said. and i also emphasize NOT to get CAUGHT UP. you will only get hurt. work at a slow pace, if things seem cereal, then start opening up slowly.

listen kid, 99% of the time high school relationships do not last. keep that in mind. and like localhazard said, BE CONFIDENT.

Random lnsanity / So i finally talked to this girl.
« on: November 09, 2008, 08:43:21 pm »
ITT: fail

sure, talking online is a first step, but don't be satisfied with that until you talk to her IRL. trust me. DO NOT DEVELOP AN ONLINE RELATIONSHIP. try to move on to face to fac, or phone.

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