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Messages - Queue1

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Random lnsanity / So what's your opinion on the new forum banner?
« on: November 28, 2007, 05:23:34 am »
Quote from: Prince Tomb
Tetris!!!! lol naw Galaxian or Centipede(whichever your version is) is my favorite arcade game

Centipede is one of my favorites, galaxian, space invaders, pac man, ms pac man, asteroids, most of the old ones..

Random lnsanity / So what's your opinion on the new forum banner?
« on: November 28, 2007, 02:59:53 am »
Quote from: Prince Tomb
the Cactuar is a creature that has been in every single Final Fantasy game ever made

Thanks, I've never played it.  I'm more into classic arcade games  

Random lnsanity / So what's your opinion on the new forum banner?
« on: November 28, 2007, 02:22:09 am »
It looks great.  I still don't get the cactus.  Nobody will tell me about the history of the cactus.

Congratulations!  Have a wiener..


Random lnsanity / well i've been banned from CN
« on: November 20, 2007, 07:02:32 pm »
I won't even post there.  When I first signed up, I read all of their rules.  What I got from the whole page was, "If we don't like what you say, you're banned from CN forums and the game."

Random lnsanity / The time has come again.
« on: November 15, 2007, 09:17:45 pm »
This is probably a dumb question, I'm still new here.
Why is the text under your avatar backwards?
I've never seen that before..

Tech Trades / Buying $250 tech from 5 people. No middlemen. $1.25m each
« on: November 08, 2007, 12:44:49 pm »
Quote from: Kiss Goodbye
I don't need this tech ASAP, and I'd rather have the aid slots of other people open for other things, so I'd just as soon do it this way.

I want 5 people to sign up.  I will give each of you $1.25m at the same time.  I'm giving away so much because I need this to be facilitated quickly.

In ten days, each of you will give me 50 tech.  It's very important that you don't forget because I very  much need a  top-level airforce to properly perform in the bRIgades.  It also is vital that you be quick about responding so I can hurry up and start helping the levy.

Sign me up please

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 07, 2007, 11:40:35 pm »
I'll be a middleman since you have 2 sellers already

Tech Trades / Buying 50 tech: $1m to seller, $100k to middleman
« on: November 07, 2007, 11:01:53 pm »
Quote from: schneereich
Here's how it will work:

Step 1) At update, I will send $1.1 million to the middleman.
Step 2) The middleman immediately sends $1 million to the seller.
Step 3) The seller uses the $1 million to buy 50 tech, then sends it to me. Whatever money they have left over after buying the tech is theirs to keep.

Now, who wants to be involved?

Let me know when you want to do this please

Random lnsanity / Nation Deleted
« on: November 07, 2007, 08:48:15 pm »
Quote from: Sir Gerald Goldberg
Quote from: Queue1
You recruited me a week ago and now I'm at war and about to ZI an asshat already

Don't give up man, I wouldn't have found this place if I didn't read the message you sent.
I received some from a few alliances.  I chose to come here.

Don't give up  

I won't give up... I'll keep looking for ways to get back in this game... I swear to it.

We'll see you here soon then  

Random lnsanity / Nation Deleted
« on: November 07, 2007, 08:42:57 pm »
You recruited me a week ago and now I'm at war and about to ZI an asshat already

Don't give up man, I wouldn't have found this place if I didn't read the message you sent.
I received some from a few alliances.  I chose to come here.

Don't give up  

Tech Trades / Buying 50 tech: $1m to seller, $100k to middleman
« on: November 07, 2007, 12:36:19 pm »
Quote from: cudlywampus
Quote from: Queue1
I'd like to be a seller btw
I asked first!!

Sorry about that, I was thinking that more people and deals were going on, like Gaunt has 3 pairs of sellers and middlemen.

I need caffeine

I'll be the middleman if that's ok.

Didn't mean to step on your toes there..

Tech Trades / Buying 50 tech: $1m to seller, $100k to middleman
« on: November 07, 2007, 12:27:18 pm »
I'd like to be a seller btw

Tech Trades / Buying 50 tech: $1m to seller, $100k to middleman
« on: November 07, 2007, 12:24:03 pm »
Quote from: schneereich
Here's how it will work:

Step 1) At update, I will send $1.1 million to the middleman.
Step 2) The middleman immediately sends $1 million to the seller.
Step 3) The seller uses the $1 million to buy 50 tech, then sends it to me. Whatever money they have left over after buying the tech is theirs to keep.

Now, who wants to be involved?

Sounds good, sign me up please  

Random lnsanity / dear RIA: i bring you...a paradox!
« on: November 07, 2007, 12:45:07 am »
They probably got hold of some bad acid

Random lnsanity / Happy Bday to the Leader!!!!
« on: November 06, 2007, 12:05:18 pm »

Quote from: Commisar Gaunt
Ok, excellent. Now we just need another middleman.

I just messaged you but I'll put it here anyway.
I'm interested, no need to look further..

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