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Messages - Ogaden

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Defunct Treaties / Random Insanity Corporation (MDoAP with Corp/Goa'uld)
« on: December 04, 2009, 02:16:30 pm »
Treaty establishing the Random Insanity Corporation (MDoAP)

Section  - Establishment:
In recognition of mutual trust and friendship, the Corporation (Corp) and the Random Insanity Alliance (RIA), hereafter referred to as the signatories, do agree to the following treaty.

Section I - Partnership:
The signatories agree to recognize each other as sovereign and free alliances.

Section β' - Peaceful Enterprise:
The signatories recognize a state of peace with each other and shall not take hostile action of any kind. Should hostile action arise between two nations of the signatories, the signatories will resolve these actions using non-hostile, diplomatic means.

Section 11 - Information:
The signatories agree to pass on all information vital to the security of either signatory in a timely fashion.

Section D - Legality of Time Traveling Cows:

Section  - Funding:
Signatories agree to provide aid, be it financial or diplomatic, should either signatory request it. Economic factors may be taken into account.

Section  - Asset Protection:
An attack on one signatory is recognized as an attack on the other signatory. Both signatories agree to immediately come the defense of each other, using all military, diplomatic and financial means available.

Section 柒 - Hostile Takeover:
Signatories retain the right to ask each other for assistance during an aggressive war, however this help is not mandatory. In the event one signatory is planning an aggressive war and does not require assistance, they must notify the other signatory no less than 2 hours before planned aggression will begin.

Section — — — • • - Limited Liability:
Should either signatory be attacked due to a result of their own aggressive action, this treaty will be viewed as an optional defense and optional aggression pact (oDoAP).

Section  - Liquidation:
Should either party wish to cancel this treaty, they may do so with 72 hours private notice, after which time a NAP will remain in place for 48 hours.

Section  - Ownership:

Signed for the Corporation,
iClean, Chief Executive Officer
Kevin McDonald, Chairman
John Rocker, Chief Operating Officer
Wehrmacht13, Chief Operating Officer

Jon Archer, Chief Communications Officer
Frankdolf, Chief Administrative Officer
Stonewall Jaxon, Chief Security Officer
Obiwan, Chief Finance Officer and Resident Jedi

SWAT128, Director of Public Relations
Ying Yang Mafia, Director of Marketing
Bungalo Bill, Director of Risk
Valves, Director of Compliance
Jake997, Director of Human Resources
Engel, Director of Knowledge

Signed for the Random Insanity Alliance,
Delta1212, Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance, Demi-God of Maroon, Psychic Cupcake Overlord of the Cupcakery, Eperor of the SuperFriends
Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Puppetmaster of Chaos
Agent Lemon, Triumvir
C-zom, Head of Military Operations...baby
invincible13matt, Head of Internal Affairs
Thunder Strike, Head of Recruitment and Hater of Cats.

Defunct Treaties / This treaty, is, awesome Part, Two, (ODP with Bel Air)
« on: December 04, 2009, 02:13:39 pm »
This treaty, is, awesome Part, Two,


Check, it:


Section, 1: Awesome marks

Bel, Air and, the Random Insanity Alliance, hereby, declare that there, is not any such, thing as "commas," instead, we refer to, them as "Awesome Marks," and will, take full advantage of, Awesome Marks, in the drafting of, this treaty. What, kind of a stupid, name is "commas" anyway? Also, "Exclamation, points," do not exist. They, are known as, "Awesome Points."

Section, 2: Communications,

The, Random Insanity, Alliance and Bel, Air acknowledge a, feeling of, mutual radness and, insanity, existing between one, another, and as a result will, not hesitate to, communicate with each other, pertinent information regarding threats or, intelligence, which may, be beneficial to one, another.

Section 3: Peace

As long, as, this treaty is in, effect, each party promises not, to engage in, any hostile behavior or actions, with the, other. In the ridiculous case, that, either signatory violates, this section of the Barrel, of Awesome Marks, each signatory is encouraged to, seek some, sort of diplomatic, solution, before, considering, cancellation, of the treaty.

Section 4: Sovereignty

The Random Insanity, Alliance and, Bel Air, while acknowledging tight, relations with one, another, totally agree that, each entity is separate, as well as sovereign, from, the other.

Section 5: Aid,

At any, given time that, it may be, necessary, either, party may request financial, or military, assistance from, the other party. Each, signatory, is, encouraged, though, not, required, to, provide, assistance, for, the, other, party.

Section 6: Cancellation,

Except in, the case, a violation to section, 1 or 3, of Barrel of, Awesome Marks, occurs either party, may, cancel Barrel of Awesome, Marks, by notifying, the other partner, and adhering, to a cancellation period, of, 72 hours.

Signed for RIA:
Delta1212. Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance, Demi-God of Maroon, Psychic Cupcake Overlord of the Cupcakery, Destroyer of Realities
aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald ReaganWino - Tri-yadda yadda yadda-aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan
Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Puppetmaster of Chaos
iKrolm - Head of Economics
King_Srqt, Destroyer of G's, Kicker of Shamed, Royal Inverted Arithmetical Operation and HoIA of RIA
SWAT128 - Head of, Foreign, Affairs!
WarriorConcept, Commander General of the Cupcake Army Which Steals Away Your Importance and also METALLLLLLLLll
invinvible13matt - Head of Janitorial Affairs

Signed for Bel Air:
King Xander the Only, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Back Alley Abortionist, and the True and Righteous Hero of Pink
Emperor Marx, Carlton the Glorious
890765, Bel Air Country Club manager, and the King of Facerolled Ruler Names
This Charming Man, Bel Air Country Club Courtesy Desk, England Is Mine, Hang the blessed DJ, Scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen, this means you really love me
Druss the Legend, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sweet Talking, and Romancing
Newhotness, Minister of Economics and Receiver of Poontang
Extraduty, Minister of $%&@ and Lover of Women and Children

Cactuar-kun Greatly Enliven the World!!! Brigade

Article a: Peace
It often comes to pass that certain unnamed individuals may want to bend the fabric of the universe and cause all manner of horrible things to occur, even cause Brigade members to fight one another. It is up to Brigade members to prevent this from occurring by keeping a certain someone entertained (ahem).

Article 11 - Intelligence
Sometimes aliens, time travellers, ghosts, monsters, ESPers, evil crime syndicates and the anime/manga/fantasy flick heroes who fight said evil syndicates try and hide in plain sight by pretending to be restaurant waiters, Western Spotted Owls or trouser legs. It is the great and heroic obligation of Brigade members to notice these facts and inform other members, lest they find a slippery tentacle sliding up their trouser leg.

Article 団: What is this, I don't even...
Rarely, someone will have gotten themselves into a sticky situation such as a slippery tentacle sliding up their trouser leg. In such a situation the rest of the Brigade members might feel obliged to throw some sake bottles at the offender. Or they might not. It's a surprise.

Article D: Florida
Archaeological research indicates that  had been inhabited for thousands of years before any European settlements. Of the many indigenous peoples, the largest known were the Ais, the Apalachee, the Calusa, the Timucua and the Tocobaga tribes.

Article baka~
Any member of the Brigade may burritos the clubroom any time they don't want to help enliven the world!! anymore, but before doing that they have to put extra effort into amusing a certain someone for 2日 and tell everyone in the Brigade what they're doing.

Signed for the Random Insanity Alliance:
Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands and Puppetmaster of Chaos
Delta1212, Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance, Demi-God of Maroon, Psychic Cupcake Overlord of the Cupcakery and Eperor of the SuperFriends
Thunder Strike, Triumvir of Stuff and Hater of Cats.
Ogaden, Trans-dimensional Ghost Cactus
Myrrh, HoR of the Random Insanity Alliance, Queen of Sexiness and Angel of Insanity
Shadow Slayer, Watchdog of Shadow, Delta's Scribe, Myrrh's Personal Cupcake and Pikachu
cctmsp13, Head of Economics and Destroyer of Vowels

Signed for the SOS Brigade:
Arrnea, Brigade Chief and Ultra Director, Viceroy of the Computer Research Society, Cosplay Champion, Speaker of the Word of Haruhi, Enforcer of Her Will and All-Round Prophet of the One True Goddess
Freshmaker, ESPer, Mysterious Transfer Student and Man of Mysterious Sexuality
michaeru, Battle Maid and Ornamentum Contengus
Ephemeral, Incidental Butler and Ornamentum Incursus
Michael von Preußen, Time Traveller, Brigade Mascot and East German Teapot
Kame, Lord Fang and Bearer of the Nyoro~n
Azu-nyan, Loli in a Bag and Catgirl Wonder
Elrich von Richt, Alien Supercomputer, Meganekko and Covert Pervert
Utau, Homicidal Class President and AA+ Hottie
Nagato Yuki, Overmind Advisory and Stern Introvert
Alekhine, Ordinary Human, Errand Boy and Deadpan Snarker
and Those Two Guys That Shall Not Be Named

Ambassador Sign-Ups / iFOK
« on: December 03, 2009, 07:18:58 pm »
Embassy and mask created, welcome.
I'm a noob so let me know if I did it right >_>

Ambassador Sign-Ups / iFOK
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:48:32 pm »
Hey nice to see you Gofastleft

Random lnsanity / Cyber Citizen Rebels!
« on: November 26, 2009, 03:43:37 pm »

Random lnsanity / Cyber Citizen Rebels!
« on: November 24, 2009, 03:58:25 pm »
Or you could join Delta1212's party The State.

We invite you to join The State.

Random lnsanity / I hate all of you.
« on: November 17, 2009, 12:46:37 pm »

Random lnsanity / Batman
« on: October 28, 2009, 10:10:33 pm »
I think the rule should be you can't know what his secret identity is, otherwise 'nuke Wayne Manor' sort of ruins it.

Tell Superman he screwed around with Lois Lane.

Random lnsanity / Fuck you Obama
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:56:30 pm »
What, Obama is a politician?  I'm shocked and dismayed  

Random lnsanity / Srs: I need help interpreting omens and signs
« on: October 11, 2009, 02:14:17 am »
This is obviously an evil omen, you must go to church and beat yourself with a whip until the Rapture comes

Random lnsanity / Operation NookuhSluht.. CHOOSE YOUR SIDE.
« on: October 09, 2009, 06:51:47 pm »
You guys are a bunch of desperadoes


Ambassador Sign-Ups / The Brain rolls in
« on: September 02, 2009, 09:34:40 pm »
Hey awesome, good to see you guys

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Demask request
« on: August 06, 2009, 10:26:04 pm »
Thanks Agent Lemon, and thanks for being fair to me as your ambassador.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Demask request
« on: August 06, 2009, 01:07:50 pm »
I've have resigned from NPO, so please demask me as an ambassador.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / New Pacific Order
« on: April 04, 2009, 07:47:03 pm »
Thanks SWAT128

Ambassador Sign-Ups / New Pacific Order
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:45:16 am »
Your Nation's Ruler: James Dahl of Ogaden
Your Alliance: New Pacific Order
Your Alliance's Initials: NPO
Your Alliance's primary team color: Red
URL to your alliance's forum: http://pacificorder.net

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