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Topics - Buck Turgidson

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Random lnsanity / Social Media
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:42:56 am »
I know it kind of defeats the purpose, but does anyone list their RIA rank or title on any social media sites?

I was thinking of putting Court Jester at the Random Insanity Alliance on my LinkedIn profile.  You know, so people know who they are fucking with.

Random lnsanity / How to operate your brain
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:17:50 am »
I just listened to Timothy Leary's How to Operate Your Brain.  I thought that maybe it would appeal to me in my current Amsterdam afterglow.  Well, it did not.  Dirty hippy bullshit.

My brother and I went through 7/8 ounce (24 grs, I think an ounce is 28) in 4 nights.  And it was no crap either.  We got completely destroyed, and when we peaked, we got lost while marching at the double for 4 hours.  That was after having 3grs each in brownie form.  We figure we covered at least 22KM - the joke was on us.  We got a free map, which is indeed the map of Amsterdam, but with completely erroneous names.  Fucking funny joke.  I hope someone is laughing.

In any case, after that weekend and change, I can definitely write a tome on how not to operate your brain.

Random lnsanity / Disappointment
« on: August 28, 2013, 07:26:03 am »
Llamavore, what happened to your rage?

Leo, did you move out from under the bridge?

Is there anyone else in this alliance?


I will highlight the interesting bits in BOLD

The victim was 87, public records show
The gun belonged to the caregiver, two CNN affiliates report
The boy won't face charges because he is younger than 10
The video game maker rejects any suggestion its game might have sparked killing
(CNN) -- An 8-year-old Louisiana boy intentionally shot and killed his elderly caregiver after playing a violent video game, authorities say.
Marie Smothers was pronounced dead at the scene with a gunshot wound to the head in a mobile home park in Slaughter, Louisiana, the East Feliciana Parish Sheriff's Department said in a prepared statement. Slaughter is about 20 miles north of Baton Rouge.

Now, I don't believe that video games cause any of this shit any more than I think Heavy Metal is the cause of teenage suicides, but if you are the kind of family that

- lives in a trailer park in a town called Slaughter
- 20 miles from a town whose French name translates to "red club"
- your last name is a euphemism for killing
- you let your 8 year old play GTA
- and you own a gun


Again, causation is up for debate, but an ounce of prevention, JUST IN CASE SOME OF THESE ITEMS MAY HAVE SOME SMALL CONNECTION with gun violence, it worth a pound of cure.

And apparently this is the solution, which makes me understand why no one should vote Democrat:

""Vice President Joe Biden, who is heading an inquiry into the causes of gun violence, has floated the idea of taxing violent games and sending proceeds to help victims and their families, Forbes.com reported.""

I don't think I have ever heard of anything so stupid.

Random lnsanity / Razer Blade 14
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:33:19 am »
Just got one.  Fucking beautiful.  I have honestly never seen a machine like it.  The PC world finally has a piece of mobile hardware that can go toe to toe with the monolithic anti-competitive evil forces of Apple. 

Windows 8 sucks ass however, and I needed Start8 to bring it back to earth.

Random lnsanity / Amsterdam in September
« on: August 13, 2013, 10:22:50 am »
My brother is coming for another visit.  I can't believe how many times we have pulled this off on the last 2 years - he combines business travel to Europe and we meet up for some heavy damage in the dam.

This time we have decided to spare our lungs.  We will produce m-butter & bake ultra-brownies.  Then sip 16 year old Balvenie and smoke Motecristos until we forget how wasted we are. 

Then go to the fucking movies.  The day he lands (sept 5), the new Riddick movie is released in the Netherlands.  Pacific Rim will be playing.  Hopefully the new Start Trek too.  And Elysium. 

I also downloaded Oblivion, Appleseed (=Ex Machina), and we will probably rewatch the first 3 Riddick movies. 

I will have to call the doctor about my raging 4 day sci-fi hard-on that won't subside.

Now I know there are some hardcore anime fans here, and I need your recommendations.  I won't be able to tell you whether I liked them, because I am likely to forget the experience on the spot.  That said, if I can manage to get internet access, I will write you during the event, and hopefully you will not mistake me for Reoga.

Random lnsanity / Unconfirmed reports
« on: July 15, 2013, 02:12:06 am »
I have heard that war is once again on the horizon, and that we may have as little as 30 days until we Apocalypze again.


Apparently the driver behind this upcoming war is the new alliance system, which has caused an effective shift in the balance of power between you-know-who and them.  It appears we are left a little stranded, not because of the dissolution of SF, but because of the re-orientation that it's cancellation represents.

Can anyone confirm or deny the above?  I know my information is vague, but I have kept it purposefully so for reasons that must be all too obvious by now.

Random lnsanity / Pooh is an a-s-s-h-o-l-e
« on: July 03, 2013, 11:34:45 am »

Random lnsanity / Thailand
« on: July 02, 2013, 12:19:17 pm »
I am in Thailand for the first time, which is the furthest east I have ever been next to Muscat, Oman, or Moscow (too lazy to check a map), or the furthest west I have been next to Vancouver.

As a well traveled dude, I thought I would share my impressions of the place for the benefit of the the unwashed denizens of the RIA:

This place is very distinctive, with an oddball culture that is true to itself.  People here don't try to give the impression that this place is something it is not.  On the one hand, it possesses clusters of true beauty, art, and exceptional architecture.  People are kind, humble, genuine, and friendly.

On the other hand, Bangkok is basically the sphincter of humanity.  In fact, it gives you such an impression of being a sphincter, that you quickly come to see people as little more than autonomous jumbles of sphincters.  The sphincters that are common to us all, and the sphincters unique to each sex.  It is often hard to tell which particular jumble an individual represents.  It is filthy, polluted, crowded, hot, muggy, and corrupt.  Strangely enough, it seems quite safe, as long as you keep your cock in your pants.  Where Amsterdam has legalized prostitution, it appears that Thailand has forgone any legislation on the matter at all.  Young herpes-faced women abound.

People talk a lot about child prostitution here, and I have not seen any evidence of it.  Not that I am looking, but I guess I had the impression that I was going to be propositioned by hoards of 13 year-olds like some Beatles movie.  I can't exactly go up to the hotel staff and ask, "So, where do you keep the children?", so I will leave my research where it is.

Unfortunately, once I am done delivering my training, I fly back to Europe, and won't see the rest of the country, which I understand is quite beautiful.  Which must surely be the case when compared to this dirty sphincter-populated cesspool of despair.

Anyone have another view of this place?

Seriously, it is the best reason to join this alliance.  The rest of the members are, well, members.  I'm interesting though, erudite, and clever in a way you would never expect to find in a place like this.

Also, if you join, Leo will blow you.  Even if you are a girl.  He's that good.

Random lnsanity / Zeep in cartoons
« on: May 28, 2013, 02:59:09 am »
Acadieman Au Call Center

Random lnsanity / How to kill a thread
« on: May 15, 2013, 06:38:24 am »
Like this:

Random lnsanity / Ender's Game
« on: May 13, 2013, 01:43:38 am »
I am so fucking excited about this.  I know it is a ways off, buy the preview looks amazing, and this is one of my top 3 books of all time.  This is definitely the best book written by an anti-queer Mormon Jesus freak.

ENDER'S GAME -- Trailer

Random lnsanity / Dead Llamas
« on: May 03, 2013, 02:40:16 am »
Who has been killing my llamas and why?

Random lnsanity / New RI5 graphs...
« on: April 29, 2013, 04:45:45 am »
...make me horny.

Random lnsanity / How to make your own IED
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:57:15 am »
Just a counter-terrorism idea, inspired by something I read about the Boston bombings:

- Apparently the bomber used a "widely available recipe" to make his bomb

- why not send out fake recipes that blow up catalytically when you make them?  Kind of like giving someone the recipe for nitro-glyceryn, and then telling them to shake it and bang it against a rock to turn it into a useable bomb.

- then anyone who would follow the recipe would blow themselves up when they are making it, and anyone nearby is probably an accomplice

- then spam the web with these recipes, trying to mimic any of the sites that show a real recipe...

This tactic works on bittorrent sites - how many times have you downloaded an 8GB movie only to find that the only thing it shared with the one you wanted was the title?

Random lnsanity / I am moving in.
« on: April 17, 2013, 07:51:54 am »
Ok, I have decided to sell my house and physically move in to the Random Insanity section. 

This will give me more time to respond to every single post here.  I have been trying to do my best, but some inevitably get by me.  Please don't be offended if I don't personally respond to your posts immediately - it doesn't mean that I don't care, just that I need to prioritize my responses according to the community's needs first. 

Topics like "Nailed it" demand a certain sensitivity and introspection in order to make a meaningful contribution, and series like my well received "Time to bomb..." threads are highly perishable and need close attention.

I regret not being able to get into the raucous "Never pass up on a Magikarp" discussion, but I did take the time to read it thoroughly, and just could not say anything that had not already been said.  So much controversy...

If you are particularly keen in getting my input or comments on a subject, I would like to suggest the following:

- Include the word "Mia" in the title
- link a sideboob shot to the thread
- Get Reoga to post a response.  I pretty much follow her around everywhere, wondering how much longer my love for her will be unrequited.

Thank you for your support & wishes as I make this commitment.


Random lnsanity / Time to bomb North Korea
« on: April 10, 2013, 01:23:39 pm »
Ok that's it.  I think that's enough out of the Kim dynasty.  As far as I am concerned, they're done.

Let's look at their pros:

- Awesome leadership cult artwork
- Rhetoric that would embarass Saddam
- Sheer stubbornness in the face of an obviously losing proposition
- Uniforms and hairdos
- Kidnappings & celebrity visits from losers like Rodman

And now their cons:

- To still be in a state of war after 60 years is a failure of leadership
- Bluffing the world into thinking you have WMD didn't work for Saddam - it's sheer arrogance
- They're doing this despite not having any oil, and they need to be shown that this fact doesn't make them safe

What are we going to do, wait another 60 years for the Koreans to sort out their sibling rivalry?  No, we need closure now.  It is time to sex them up.

Random lnsanity / Aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:52:03 am »
Ok, this brutha needs to change. 

While Ronald Reagan is hot dead or alive, Margaret Thatcher's main appeal was her palsy.  I mean nothing beats palsy for a good handjob.  Now that she's dead, I guess I won't be sneaking into her home as "the orderly", looking for a quick squeezer.

Basically, the brutha has a distinctly necro feel to it, and is now really gross.

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