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Messages - cctmsp13

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Random lnsanity / Hey I'm back
« on: October 09, 2007, 01:03:30 pm »
Quote from: erictheholeking
Hello everyone I'm back. Sorry, I had to do 2 months in jail, but atleast it's done now. LOL.

Welcome back, hope you enjoyed your trip to... wait, WTF?

Oh, well, I just noticed many of our smilies are criminals

  (sexual misconduct)
  (brandishing a weapon)
  (assault and battery)

Random lnsanity / Ghost Hunters is an awesome show.
« on: October 07, 2007, 04:19:02 am »
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
I don't really believe in ghosts.  I find it irreconcilable with religion.

Odd, my disbelief of ghosts is linked to my lack of religion and rejection of the supernatural.

Ghost can't seem to win either way, can they?

Random lnsanity / may be getting new computer
« on: September 23, 2007, 01:55:19 am »
Quote from: Vector
also it's $140 for the gig because its under warenty so i have to get the stick from bestbuy (100) and have them install it (40) but they have sales every so often and then i can get a gig for 70 installed so i'll go to 4 gigs then

ok, I looked on-line
Crucial DDR2-5300 1GB stick

Cost is under $40

Does opening the PC and installing the memory yourself void the warranty? Memory from Crucial has a lifetime warranty, so you don't have to worry about the memory.

Also, if you're on a 32-bit operating system, don't bother going past 3GB.  The PC won't be able to use all of the last 4GB, So you'll end up with like 3.5GB.

Otherwise that computer should serve you well for many, many years.

Random lnsanity / DVI vs VGA.
« on: September 23, 2007, 01:32:22 am »
If The video card, cabling, and monitor are all in good condition, there should be no noticeable difference.

If these aren't all perfect, VGA can start to pick up interference or crosstalk.  Also VGA can experience "pixel drift" which can blur sharp lines.

Random lnsanity / Just when I thought my week couldn't get worse.
« on: September 20, 2007, 01:46:50 am »
(quietly revises plans to purchase guard-dogs for treasury)

Random lnsanity / Important findings
« on: August 20, 2007, 03:54:26 am »
Quote from: Vintus
As one of the shambling minions of Satan, you have no genitals, and therefore, can't have teh secks.

Here we have a slight disagreement, the issue is the zombie's natural lack of circulation, not lack of the proper parts.

Random lnsanity / Important findings
« on: August 20, 2007, 03:45:56 am »
For a while moth has had the message "Have you heard the news? The DEAD walk." under his avatar, burritos us to ponder it's meaning.  Working together with the best minds in the RIA (who are available in IRC at 3AM) We have discovered the answer.

For long we have been inspired by Moth's tireless work for the RIA.  For a long time we though he was just hard working, been now we have discovered the truth.  Moth is infact tireless, for he is a ... ZOMBIE.

Yes, together Vintus and I have determined the RIA's leader, is a member of the walking dead.

Now some of you may object, "I've seen Moth say he's tired, and log off".  Ahh, you have been trapped in his clever ruse.  Moth does indeed log-off, but not to sleep, but instead to feast upon the brains of the enemies of the RIA (and probably some stray passerby, I'm sure).

After discovering this truth, I would like to be the first to say...

HAIL MOTH, undead leader of the RIA!

Random lnsanity / A modest proposal
« on: August 17, 2007, 02:07:02 pm »

I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance
in London, that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year
old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether
stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it
will equally serve in a fricasie, or a ragoust.

Random lnsanity / ANIME!!!
« on: August 12, 2007, 04:48:44 am »
Quote from: Oni_666
Anyone around here watch anime and what the best you've seen??

Yes, Serial Experiments Lain

Random lnsanity / New members! Tell us a little about yourselves.
« on: August 07, 2007, 02:30:11 am »
Quote from: invincible13matt
My real name is and shall forever be undisclosed, because I'm highly paranoid. Just call me "13".

I call you "the other 13"  

I've been here since January, (not really new I guess).  I'm 25 years old, have graduated college (Bachelors of Science - Electrical Engineering) making me an old geezer in terms of this alliance.

Random lnsanity / This is for reals.
« on: August 06, 2007, 01:58:00 am »

You're vital to the spreading of aids to this alliance's new members.  Without you there would be so many new members walking around without aids.

Thanks for all your help up to now, hope you change your mind, though

Random lnsanity / Post your desktops
« on: July 28, 2007, 02:47:29 am »

Random lnsanity / What The Fuck Is That?
« on: July 28, 2007, 02:32:11 am »
Quote from: erictheholeking
How do u get a group icon? I want a cookie! Actually i think it lookes like a cylinder(oxet holder thingy) from a six shooter! haha, me retarded from to much pot smokin when i was younger.

Post 9 more times

They're linked to certain numbers of posts

Random lnsanity / I need nub tips.
« on: July 25, 2007, 02:26:33 am »
Tips, ok

joining aids (look under the foreign aid programs in the treasury)
When you get your money, buy the following
2-3 technology (gives you 2 or 3 happiness points)
Infra, infra, infra
after each infra purchase, make sure your people aren't whining about being crowded.  If they are, buy some land.  The only time you should buy land is when your people whine (look for red messages).
Also check to make sure you have enough soldiers (more than 20% toniculation) (again look for red messages in your natin description)
Any red messages mean your people are unhappy, (which lowers your happiness, and therefore your tax income) and needs to be addressed immediately

When you get over 1000 citizens, go back where you found joining aids, and apply in the other pinned topic for a harbor.  

Get trades, or wait until people offer you trades.  Some people will offer cash if you have something good (you do!).  If you take the cash make sure you hold up your end of the deal and don't cancel.

Don't duplicate trades, you don't get double benefits.  Each trade resource has benefits, read up on them.

All I can think of off the top of my head

Random lnsanity / Am I a Disease?
« on: July 19, 2007, 02:38:52 am »
Another Wisconsinite here

Where in the state, let's just say Appleton-ish

Tech Trades / Redneck Tech
« on: July 17, 2007, 02:12:20 am »
I understand you reasons for putting it up, but I would be opposed to it based on the "No solicitacions" idea.  Basically, you don't have an advertisement for your competitors up in your store.  

So, thanks for taking it down.

If nation's want to go outside the alliance for their tech deals, they are more than free to do so, however I'm also fully confident that any nations that old can figure out where to do so.

Close topic

Tech Trades / An idea, perhaps.
« on: July 15, 2007, 02:00:04 am »
Also, remember we have a board specifically for middleman services.

Tech Trades / Redneck Tech
« on: July 15, 2007, 01:56:41 am »

By the time nations get large enough to have purchased tech, they should have figured out other sources for it.
There's a whole forum on the CN main forums for it.
Some people prefer to know their money is going to a fellow alliance member, and so they try here.

Tech Trades / An idea, perhaps.
« on: July 12, 2007, 04:26:37 am »
Sorry about not seeing this sooner, I've been focusing on cleaning up and organizing the aid programs, especially since it looks like the starting aid will jump to $500,000 soon.

Give me a day or two.

Also, consider teaming up with another buyer, and doing a four person trade, that way you can cut out the middleman.

Tech Trades / Tech trading
« on: July 12, 2007, 04:05:11 am »
Something I wrote earlier reguarding tech trading

One of the best way to make money in CN is tech trading. For a new nation tech costs $10,000/level. My nation has 85 tech, and tech for me costs over $30,000/level. Now lets say I wanted to get 20 more tech, wouldn't it make more sense for me to give you new nation, say $400,000 to give me 20 tech then to pay over $600,000 to buy it on my own. After the cost of buying my tech, you still get ~$150,000, and I save $200,000

There are two main ways to operate a tech deal, a 2-person deal, and a 3-person deal (In the following examples, you are the person selling tech).

A 2 person deal is the easiest. Someone sends you the money, and 10 days latter, after the aid slot expires, you send them back the tech. The downside of this is The person buying has to wait a long time for his tech.

The 3 person deal gets around this by adding a "middle man" Often the buyer will send you (the seller) the money, you will buy the tech, and immediately send the tech and a smaller amount of money to the middle man, who sends on just the tech, and keeps the money as payment for use of his aid slots. This gets the tech to the buyer much faster.
(Note, some buyers will put the middleman on the other side of the deal, sending him all the money, with the middleman keeping his cut and sending the rest to you. You then send the tech directly to the buyer.)

There is also the 4-person deal. You and a friend both arrange a tech sale. You each receive the money from your buyer, but then send the tech to the other person's buyer. This gets the tech to the buyers right away without a need to pay off a middle man.

Typically the buyer send the money first, since the selling nation usually needs to use to money to buy the tech. So, it's safe being a seller, since you get the money upfront. Do be sure to send the tech when you agreed to. Renigging on a tech deal is bad. You may think, he can't hurt me, he's far past twice my strength. Well, maybe he can't hurt you, but he can probably payoff someone who can.

Most tech deals are for 50 tech, as this is the most you can send at a time.

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