After much thought, and complaining, a few people can testify to that, I’ve made the decision to leave. I’m winding down on CN and my plan was to make RIA my last stop. Honestly I’m not sure what I’m doing after this. May quit, may join a different one, may quit CN all together.
Also not happy with the way RIA is going, of course I came into RIA not liking 80% of the way things were run *shrug* So I’m not really going to say anything about that, not your fault, I came in knowing all that. Just it seems it’s gone a little down hill but meh.
So I wanted to say good bye to a few people, add my wall of text and what not.
Shamed You little bastard, I won't miss you- Oh wait, I talk to you anyway. w__w
Blue – <333333333
I SAID HI FIRST DAMN IT! Give me a little credit <_< I sense you being reaaaallly angry since I didn’t.. really.. er.. bring it up. Anyway, put you up here first. Still remember the first time I saw you in #RIA. I totally flipped out and started screaming “You’re that Blue guy who screwed me in risk!” And like 10 min. later you were on my MSN list. xD So, what are we on now, 12 archives? Not much has changed except your obsession with Tori and mine with Matt
Put you up here first, so please don’t yell at me later ;_;
C-Zom –

You’re fucking awesome. Seriously. I’ve never met anyone who could talk about music as much as you can XD Makes me glad I’m not the only music whore I know. I’ll miss your love notes/death threats/exploding soup + lighting things on fire PMs of yours, but maybe one of these days you’ll be able to get MSN >__> <__< (I can hope, right?)
Kenny - <33
Was gonna leave it at that, but it looked so empty. Wanted to say thank you sooo much for all your help, random/etc convos online, etc etc. Defiantly one of my fave RIA members. Going to miss you ;_; Oh wait, you’re on my contact list.
Bleski – You know it took me months to figure out who the hell you were, then a few more weeks to remember how to spell your name? Shit, still don’t know if I did it right and I’m talking to you on MSN right now @_@ Anyway, I don’t know how you became the official RIA-Raep person, but you do a good job at it. Also, *swims in Spanish land while skate boarding on waves in lakes. Sooooooo Insannnnneee*
Leo – Wtf? Get out of my pocket. It’s been MONTHS and you’re still there. Can you get how annoying that is? Honestly. I miss my jeans. They’re meant for *mememe* not *youyouyou*. Also, you remind me of the M&M commercial on TV. Extremely annoying, won’t go away, and wears rainbow colors.
Crazy - @__@ I don’t care if you’re not in RIA anymore. I still miss you and will always think you’re in RIA XD Sure you know that you were one of the first people I ever met in RIA, and #RIA. Imagine you being the first impression someone has of RIA… no idea why I’m here now
Dagny Taggart - You seemed pretty awesome, wish I had the chance to get to annoy- get to know you better.
Mr_Cynic – If you send.. one more god damn pig.. to me on MSN for it to get stuck just to make yourself feel better… I want you to shove the pic UP YOUR ASS. Or have Bleskie do it since I won’t be here. Little bastard. IT GETS STUCK EVERY TIME.
Evil Greg Guy - *Insert creepy message here* Haiiiiiiii.
Zeep – Forever loving the Spanish song you made for Flask. Had to mention it.
King Without A Crown – Hope things work out for you a little better then they did when you last told me. Take it easy, good luck with your parents and all.
Shadow – I know you’re around. Somewhere. I remember you from the old forums and see you post once in a while. I felt the need to add you to my list. So yeah, what’s up?
Divineslasher – Not even all that sure if that’s your forum name. Just you’re on my MSN list, and you knew who I was before, and you sent really awesome music @_@ So I wanted to add you on here too.
Damen – I like you. I’ve no idea why, you’re a total ass to me sometimes. But I like you. You’re a good listener when you’re not upset. Wish I knew why you were upset for so long, but hey, you’re business. You know, the first time I left RIA I only remember two things. C-Zom and you. Not too happy either. I’ll miss you, and you’re weird duck avatar you used to use.
Flask – I remember you made me my first sig for RIA after who ever was in charge said diplos couldn’t have a free sig ;__; Still have it,
see?Kaiser – You tech raided me. But I owe you for picking up after me when I was HoFA for a few days. So.. yeah.. I’ll miss you, sorta
EnragedLobster - @__@ I remember you in Maroon, you’re part of the reason why I dragged my ass to RIA forums. I remember you saying hi in the embassy too <_< And, I also never gave you as much credit for when you were HoFA. I feel bad, you were really good. Just wanted to say that and all.
Vector – I’ve a mental block between you and Vintus. Never change your avatar please XD But you told me some awesome NIN songs, <33 You’re the reason why I’m such a NIN whore now ;P
Moth – I wonder if you’ll care more about how the alliance #’s will go down after I leave, or the fact I left. Hmmmmm…
Delta – I don’t know you. For real, I never got to know you. So yeah… Hey there.
Azural – Too many sides to you. Gets confusing.