It really annoys me though that people get so offended at him saying his female accusers aren't attractive and he will sue them.
Donald is a fucking weird creep. The type of creep that women whisper about when he walks by. "Don't take drinks from him." "Don't get in cars with him." Yes - people get offended when this type of person sums up their entire person as not attractive. Of all the strange shit this election has brought, the fact that an actual presidential candidate can have this rocky of a relationship with women, a demographic making up more than 50% of the country, blows my mind.
He can not stop himself from commenting on the looks of every single woman he addresses. How he relates to woman is strictly how they look and how they feel about him. And that's it.
The only time you'll hear him say more than if he is attracted to a woman or not, is when he gets into his meltys at a woman. Megyn Kelly pressed him on a question and he had a huge fucking melty about that. "Maybe" accused her of being on her period and then denying it. He even dodged the next Fox debate because he was still in mid-melty over Megyn Kelly.
He's like a weird, creepy Larry David that isn't funny.
And given his long history at having meltys at people who disagreed with him, Hillary Clinton set him the fuck up.'m not kidding around at all with this next statement. I'm 100% positive that his campaign staff took and hid his phone from him against his will after the debate. It took days of Trump digging around in Trump tower for that damn thing, but, sure enough, he found it at fucking 3AM Friday morning and immediately releases a big fucking melty on twitter about how Alicia Machado is ugly, a liar, and that she has sex tapes. happened, llamavore. He had a melty on Twitter at 3am about this and it made the news. Hillary Clinton set him up and he just sat there shaking for days about it and took the bait anyway. This guy wants to be President, llamavore, he is running for President. Anyone else would have just tried to move on from it, but he could not sleep. He needed to tweet and melty so bad.
He has thin skin, but I swear he gets even more upset at women disagreeing with him specifically because they are women.

real shame about that last debate
Speaking of beauty pageants, he would also just barge into dressing rooms and just be around. He has no reason to be there, he's just creeping around and making all the girls uncomfortable. Girls as young 15. He doesn't care. He doesn't think about how they feel about it. And that's why everyone was fucking pissed off about his stupid grab them by the pussy tape, because literally what he said he did is exactly what he does.
He said in that stupid tape, that he pops Tic-Tacs and just kisses them straight up invited or not, and surprise, a lot of the woman he sexually assaulted said he did just that. He would pop a Tic-Tac and would just throw himself on them unwarranted.
So many women have come out about this fucking Tic-Tac thing that the Tic-Tac company felt the need to clarify that Tic-Tacs have nothing to do with Donald and denounced him.Remember that stupid bit about buying that married woman some furniture because he wants to sleep with her?
Some of these women didn't even know who the fuck he is or even that he is in the fucking room with them and suddenly he's got his fingers up their dress. They just realize he's there when he's sexually assaulting them. can't believe he would bring up Bill Clinton's history at all, he isn't even running for president and is just as bad if not worse. He divorces and marries younger multiple times. He can't even not comment about how hot his own daughter is and how he wishes he wasn't her dad. He ran beauty pageants, television shows, golf courses, and hotels, and in every single fucking one of those, there is "that" story about him either sexually assaulting a woman, creeping women out, or holding a woman's job over her head because she won't sleep with him.
Look, his melty trumpys are really funny and all, but jesus fucking christ, this is fucked up.
But, you know, there is actually one woman I can think of that he has said a lot about...except how she looks