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Author Topic: *belch*  (Read 6315 times)

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Offline DrunkWino

« on: October 09, 2016, 09:39:21 pm »
'Sup bitches.
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Offline im317

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2016, 10:12:39 pm »
so glad to see a familiar face. how have you been? what have you been up to?
Silly child. You should know the RIA can't die. This place is like a zombie, but without a brain so even a head shot won't do it.

Offline Shadow Smudger

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2016, 10:15:09 pm »

[19:44] <%AbeSimpson[RIA]> ThunderStrike: Please stop trolling
[18:05:16] <&Delta1212[RIA]> Congrats, you are now Shadow
[19:30] <&Delta1212[RIA]> I already know I'm too smart for my own good anyway
[23:22:43] <&Liz> yeah ShadowSlayer[RIA] isnt bad looking tbh
[13:17:52] <&Delta1212[RIA]> Xiphin' in the front seat, Lizzin' in the back seat
[13:17:57] <&Delta1212[RIA]> Gotta make your mind up
[13:18:28] <&Delta1212[RIA]> Which seat can you take

Offline DrunkWino

Re: *belch*
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2016, 10:23:47 pm »
so glad to see a familiar face. how have you been? what have you been up to?

Let's see, nearly broken back (not new, I think,) and two kids with the oldest in kindergarten. Oh, and probably about 50 extra pounds.
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Offline im317

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2016, 10:40:22 pm »
well congrats on the kids.
Silly child. You should know the RIA can't die. This place is like a zombie, but without a brain so even a head shot won't do it.

Offline DrunkWino

Re: *belch*
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2016, 10:45:37 pm »
So, is the place as...inactive as it appears? What am I saying, the folk responsible for keeping the RIA alive after all this time deserve a medal, or strippers, or strippers giving out medals.
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Offline im317

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2016, 11:28:34 pm »
its probably a little less inactive then it looks, but not much. there is very little to do these days. the people running our tech deals all retired or quit, which sucks because nobody else really knows how to work the fancy system Ogaden made that made setting them up and keeping track of them very easy. Admin finally made it so you can change your trades a while back so that isn't the evil pain in the ass it used to be. FA in the game has more or less died, we have our allies but there mostly all inactive too. we haven't been involved in a war in around a year or so. i have no idea what kind of turnout we would get if we did go to war. former members pop in from time to time to reminisce for a bit and some of us play Politics and War together.
Silly child. You should know the RIA can't die. This place is like a zombie, but without a brain so even a head shot won't do it.

Offline im317

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2016, 02:43:22 pm »
also you still have maybe my all time favorite post.

the topic is "To any spy that had the misfortune of being sent here"

I just wanted to give you Mr. Spy a little heads up, just to make your job a little easier. See, here in the RIA, (if you haven't already noticed,) we're kinda chaotic, but in a good way. See, we really don't take the game all *that* seriously. As a result of that, contrary to why somebody asked you to come by and send them info, we really don't have any earth shattering info for you to gather. There's nobody around that we want to pick a fight with and no global situation we really want to change.


Cause, simply put, that ain't our thing. We like to hang out and have fun. So, while your here doing your spy thingy, at least take time out to enjoy yourself.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, "Well self, that all sounds nice, but if they ever catch me, they're gonna blow up my nation and wreck my enjoying the game (which you just lost, btw.) Well, not so fast my good person. I'm about to put my money where my mouth is. See, here at the RIA, we don't ask CN players to do something  that if you're caught whoever catches you will pretty much seek to make sure you never play the game again (like spying, for example.) We don't ask anyone to do it for the simple reason that it's not very fun for that particular player when they get caught and run out of the game. A lot of people make friendships that they would rather keep and getting run out of the game tends to wreck that kinda thing. It's the old use 'em then throw them away thing. Keep that in mind while I make you the following offer:

If you ARE a spy for somebody and decide you rather hang out with people that won't ask you to commit CN suicide, then you can honest to goodness join us. In fact, we won't even ask you to reveal that you were a spy much less who sent you or any of that stuff. Seriously, we'd rather not know.

To take advantage of the following offer, and the following is for your saftey as a CN player, follow these easy steps, aka reroll:

  • Pay off any outstanding debts to whoever
  • Let your nation go 20 days inactive and delete (this is so whoever sent you can't come to us and say "HE'S A SPY! YOU MUST LET US KILL HIM!!!"
  • After your nation deletes, re-register under a different account name and nation name (again, to protect you.)
  • Rejoin the RIA
  • and for goodness sake, don't visit the alliance who sent you, cause they have a copy of your IP adress and if they ever find out that you are the same player that you were, they're gonna want a piece of you.

That's it, all you have to do and it's all for your saftey so that you can get a chance to get away from your past CN life. As far as we're concerned, anything you did previous to your reroll does not apply to you. How good of an offer is this? Consider that just about ever other alliance gives anything from a perma-ZI to an eternal-ZI to anyone they find spying on them. We're offering you a way out of that, a new home, and a legitmate chance to make friends here.

Now if you decide not to, well, we're really not all about greifing or kicking anyone out of the game so that's something for you. Just don't be silly and get caught, cause then we kinda DO have to bomb your nation. We won't chase you into another reroll though, not unless you *really* do something dickish like try to hijack the boards or start revealing personal RL info about anyone.

DrunkWino ~ Triumvir of Random Insanity and wielder of the Triforce of aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. So let it be written, so let it be done, so lets go get aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.
Silly child. You should know the RIA can't die. This place is like a zombie, but without a brain so even a head shot won't do it.

Offline Gangs

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2016, 02:52:43 pm »
Ooooooooooh, snap!
You used to hate me.
Its cool.
Sup wino.
Remember me?
<%Leo[RIA]> it's better to be feared than respected
<%Leo[RIA]> especially if you lost that respect mentally raping them with spam
Yeah, fuck you.
Those kind of pictures really don't do it for me. To each their own, I suppose.
Not enough goats?
Oh look, a kenny, i have found.
He likes his tits, all firm and round.
He's old as hay,
Some think he's gay.
His hair is purdy, it touches the ground.

Offline Ogaden

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2016, 04:21:59 pm »
hey man long time no see
Ogaden, Spammer of Inboxes, Giver of Happy Endings, Retard Savant, Buzzkill Extraordinaire, Protector of Mexico.

Offline DrunkWino

Re: *belch*
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2016, 09:49:42 pm »
Ooooooooooh, snap!
You used to hate me.
Its cool.
Sup wino.
Remember me?

I probably didn't hate you hate you...well maybe, I don't remember. I can't  remember last week much less farther back.

Also, who do I shoot to get my Cactus Emeritus mask back?

And hey Ogden. Sup mano.

Oh, and if anyone has a program laying around of which of the old farts from my days are still around could you pass that over here. With a side of fries and a medium Frostee too.
Vote Cthulhu 2016

Offline DrunkWino

Re: *belch*
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2016, 10:01:26 pm »
And if my legacy was that Spy's post, I call my first run a sucess
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Offline Kenneth Kenstar

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2016, 09:54:15 am »
also you still have maybe my all time favorite post.

the topic is "To any spy that had the misfortune of being sent here"

I just wanted to give you Mr. Spy a little heads up, just to make your job a little easier. See, here in the RIA, (if you haven't already noticed,) we're kinda chaotic, but in a good way. See, we really don't take the game all *that* seriously. As a result of that, contrary to why somebody asked you to come by and send them info, we really don't have any earth shattering info for you to gather. There's nobody around that we want to pick a fight with and no global situation we really want to change.


Cause, simply put, that ain't our thing. We like to hang out and have fun. So, while your here doing your spy thingy, at least take time out to enjoy yourself.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, "Well self, that all sounds nice, but if they ever catch me, they're gonna blow up my nation and wreck my enjoying the game (which you just lost, btw.) Well, not so fast my good person. I'm about to put my money where my mouth is. See, here at the RIA, we don't ask CN players to do something  that if you're caught whoever catches you will pretty much seek to make sure you never play the game again (like spying, for example.) We don't ask anyone to do it for the simple reason that it's not very fun for that particular player when they get caught and run out of the game. A lot of people make friendships that they would rather keep and getting run out of the game tends to wreck that kinda thing. It's the old use 'em then throw them away thing. Keep that in mind while I make you the following offer:

If you ARE a spy for somebody and decide you rather hang out with people that won't ask you to commit CN suicide, then you can honest to goodness join us. In fact, we won't even ask you to reveal that you were a spy much less who sent you or any of that stuff. Seriously, we'd rather not know.

To take advantage of the following offer, and the following is for your saftey as a CN player, follow these easy steps, aka reroll:

  • Pay off any outstanding debts to whoever
  • Let your nation go 20 days inactive and delete (this is so whoever sent you can't come to us and say "HE'S A SPY! YOU MUST LET US KILL HIM!!!"
  • After your nation deletes, re-register under a different account name and nation name (again, to protect you.)
  • Rejoin the RIA
  • and for goodness sake, don't visit the alliance who sent you, cause they have a copy of your IP adress and if they ever find out that you are the same player that you were, they're gonna want a piece of you.

That's it, all you have to do and it's all for your saftey so that you can get a chance to get away from your past CN life. As far as we're concerned, anything you did previous to your reroll does not apply to you. How good of an offer is this? Consider that just about ever other alliance gives anything from a perma-ZI to an eternal-ZI to anyone they find spying on them. We're offering you a way out of that, a new home, and a legitmate chance to make friends here.

Now if you decide not to, well, we're really not all about greifing or kicking anyone out of the game so that's something for you. Just don't be silly and get caught, cause then we kinda DO have to bomb your nation. We won't chase you into another reroll though, not unless you *really* do something dickish like try to hijack the boards or start revealing personal RL info about anyone.

DrunkWino ~ Triumvir of Random Insanity and wielder of the Triforce of aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. So let it be written, so let it be done, so lets go get aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.

Yeah, I really liked this a lot, too. It really summed up the alliance.

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2016, 03:09:18 pm »
Eeey. A name I recognize.

Offline Leo

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Re: *belch*
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2016, 09:36:04 pm »
Meh, our HoIA's too lazy to set up another round of elections. That about sums it up.
looking for new sig
Spoiler for Hiden:
Fuck y'all.

Quote from: Crazyman93
Well, Mia, I honestly think the one thing keeping us from war, is that no one else wants to risk Leo joining them if RIA is beaten to hell
<brians_bot>: kenny > big tits
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